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Jeongguk's POV

"We really shouldn't be out and about right now," Namjoon mumbles, walking stiffly behind me.

I shove past a crowd of drunk girls, all of them staring after me as I pass by. I roll my eyes. "Well, I need a drink and some time away from the house that reminds me that my fiancee is missing and I have no way of reaching her without getting her and myself killed."

Namjoon huffs out a sigh. "Well, we could have at least gone to a gay bar or something."

I scoff. "It's either you or me being disappointed with the bar choice and who's feelings are more important right now? Oh, yeah. Mine. So piss off."

Namjoon chuckles as we take a seat at the bar. "At least, Jin has nothing to worry about."

"Are you suggesting that Y/N does?" I wave at the bartender, getting his attention. "I don't even care what you get me at this point."

Namjoon laughs. "Water for me, please."

"Aren't you no fun."

"Someone has to drive. I can tell it isn't going to be you," Namjoon replies.

I sigh. "I feel like my life has gone to complete shit, Joon." I run my fingers through my hair in exasperation. "Y/N's missing, Yeonjun is restless and moody, and I'm still here having to pick up the pieces after Jimin and Taehyung died. I can't do this! Y/N was meant to be the leader. Not me. I'm not built for leadership. I always was weak under pressure."

"Gguk, things are hard. Life is complicated. We are having to deal with a maf--"

The bartender sets our drinks in front of us, cutting Namjoon off completely. As soon as he walks away, he continues.

"Mafia. Our life is as complicated as it gets. Yes, Jimin died. Good riddance. Yes, Taehyung died. It's hard. But we have to get used to the fact that people are going to die around us. We have to learn how to deal with it."

I sigh, taking a long swig of my unknown alcoholic drink.

"Look," Namjoon sighs. "Lately, I've been close to relapsing."

My eyes snap to his. "Drugs?"

Namjoon hums. "Jin's been helping me out a lot, but I've been having panic and anxiety attacks. I've really been struggling."

"I didn't know...I've probably been making it worse."

"No--I mean, yeah, you have, but I understand why you're acting the way you are," Namjoon laughs. "Shit is wild right now. I wanna bet that Y/N is perfectly fine and handling herself."

I take a deep breath. "I still want to find her..."

"I know," he nods. "And we will. I'm sure of it."



I walk through the house. It's not my childhood home. They apparently transported us somewhere different. Somewhere I had never seen before. Explains why Jeongguk hasn't crashed in, guns blazing. They probably can't find me.

I sigh, realizing how worried he probably is.

Sungho has allowed me to familiarize myself with the house. I've been walking around for at least an hour now, just checking out each room. I get to the library and a small smile creeps onto my lips.

I immediately look through the first bookshelf I see. Yoongi would have been in heaven. He loves to read.

Yoongi. I bet he's struggling a lot right now with Taehyung's passing. I wonder how he's dealing with it. I hope he isn't taking it out on Hoseok.

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