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Yeonjun's POV

"So, this is the place," I ask softly, all the memories from my younger years flooding back. The building I used to live in is only a block away from here. The same building I almost killed myself on, where I found Jeongguk.

Jeongguk has the same look I have right now. When he looks down at me and we lock eyes, I realize just how hard this is going to be. This place just happens to be both of our emotional triggers.

"I don't know why I have to be here for this," Damien mumbles. "This could completely ruin my relationship with Junghoon."

I roll my eyes. "Only if he finds out."

"This is his ex-wife!"

"Who hates him," I remind him. "I think you're secret is safe."

"As long as you've been telling us the truth about her," Soobin adds.

I glance over at Soobin, giving him a small nod. 

Every bone in my body wants to forgive him, but it hurts. Every time I look at him, I imagine Y/N being shot or tortured or stabbed to death. I want to forgive him so fucking bad, but I feel like I'd be betraying Y/N.

I look away from him and walk towards the door. My hand pauses just before knocking. "I don't think I can do this."

"I can do it," Soobin mumbles, stepping forward and grabbing my shoulder. He softly nudges me out of the way and knocks on the door.

It only takes a few moments for a woman to open the door. Her eyes suddenly go wide as she tries to shut the door on us. Jeongguk stops it with his foot.

"Lee Eunae?" She doesn't answer. "We're not here to hurt you or anything," he explains. "We just have some questions about Junghoon."

She slowly reopens the door. "I doubt I have any answers for you. He doesn't really tell me anything."

"I'm sure you know more than us, though," Jeongguk raises an eyebrow.

She hesitates for a moment, but slowly her eyes move over to me. "Yeonjun..."

I click my tongue, looking to the ground. "Mother."

"I will only let you in because I would like to catch up with my son," she speaks firmly. "Whatever information you think you need, I don't have for you."

Soobin takes a step forward. "I think answering our questions would be beneficial for you, as well."

She raises an eyebrow. "How so?"

"I've come to understand that he has forced you to stay near him all these years, even after the divorce." She nods, so Soobin continues. "And I'm sure you'd like to be free from that."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Park Jimin's last dying wish was for Junghoon to be killed. If you answer our questions, we might just make that happen," Soobin crosses his arms, a stern look on his face.

She narrows her eyes at Soobin, then glances around at the rest of us. She takes a deep breath then opens the door wider for us. "Come on in."


"Junghoon would disappear for weeks at a time," she sighs. "When you were a baby," she looks at me, "he would only come home if his work demanded it or if I specifically blackmailed him into it."

I raise an eyebrow. "You blackmailed him."

She shrugs. "He didn't like when I threatened running away with you. I used that against him." She looks down at her hands as she begins to play with her fingers nervously. "When I got pregnant with you, I wasn't nearly ready for it. Being left alone with you all the time..." she trails off for a moment. "Well, it was a bit scary for me. And as you grew up, I used that as my chance to leave you alone and not have to...deal with you."

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