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Yeonjun's POV

It's hard when someone you care about is going through shit that you can't truly understand or sympathize with. It's even worse when that shit is disgusting, dangerous, or deadly and this club thing with Soobin checks all those boxes.

I was under the impression that Soobin's playboy life was over, but instead, he's being forced to transition to a different part of that life. Even though at first, Soobin didn't like the idea of leaving his uncle's business, I honestly think that I had finally gotten him to feel safer in my arms. I had finally gotten him to feel less used and more loved. But here we are, about to go into this club where Soobin is going to be forced to dance for profit.

"I'll still have time for dance classes and school," Soobin speaks as he faces the mirror, buttoning up his shirt. I stand in the opposite corner of the room with my arms crossed, leaning against the wall. "Junghoon made a promise to me. He doesn't make promises easily. I trust him to keep it."

"I don't," I mumble softly.

Soobin turns around to look at me. "Junnie," he whispers. "I did this for you. For Y/N and Jeongguk. For your family."

I bite my lip. "Are you expecting  a 'thank you'?"

Soobin takes a step back, scoffing. "No, I'm expecting you to understand." Soobin buttons the last button. "You obviously don't."

I shake my head, running my fingers exasperatedly through my hair. "We had it covered already. Who knows what kind of past Junghoon could have had with the Jeon mafia! Y/N's disappearance was supposed to stay a secret. Especially from other mafia men!"

"I was just trying to help!" Soobin exclaims.

"Your help could have endangered Y/N!" I grit my teeth, feeling my anger surging through the roof. "She didn't need your help. Our mafia didn't need your help. And I sure didn't need your help!"

Soobin turns back around, looking away from me. I see Soobin's face in the mirror, tears starting to fall down his face.

I sigh. "Let me explain this to you. Jimin exploded your house with Junghoon inside, intending to kill him. Jimin obviously has history with your uncle, meaning the Jeons have history with your uncle, meaning Junghoon probably doesn't like us very much, meaning," I take a deep breath, realizing I'm raising my voice, "Y/N is not safe with Junghoon looking for her. She's better off with her lunatic of a father."

Soobin clicks his tongue. "I'm sorry."

"Y/N is like my mother," I whisper, tears settling in my eyes. "If she dies by the hand of Junghoon, I'm holding you personally responsible."

With that, I storm out of the room, leaving Soobin to walk to the club by himself.



I walk into the room they had set up for me and sit on the edge of the bed. It's a cute little space with a closet in the corner, most likely holding some clothes, and a desk in the other corner, a hairbrush sitting on top. 

I smile, taking a deep breath. Everything has changed since the last time I was living in the same place as Sungho. Things were a lot more volatile and aggressive, not that it didn't start that way this time either, but now it's peaceful. I hate to even think it, but it feels nice. It's what I always dreamed my relationship with my father would be like. 

I notice to my left is a window. I stand and walk over to it, looking outside at all the beautiful plants and trees residing in the garden, birds chirping while perched on the birdfeeders, and butterflies fluttering their wings on all the nearby flowers.

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