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Yeonjun's POV

~6 Years Ago~

I skip down the sidewalk on my way home from school. I like to walk because it takes longer to get home that way. I can enjoy peace and quiet before everything goes downhill.

Opening the door to my house always gives me a weird feeling, like I have to watch my step once I get inside. It could be a really good day, or it could be the worst day of my life. Maybe I can do something to make sure it's the first one. Usually, it doesn't matter. It's almost always dependent on whether my dad's home or not. 

The door opens with a squeak and I step inside, setting my backpack down on the floor right next to the door.

"Yeonjun?" my mother's voice calls out to me, exhaustion evident in her tone.

"Coming," I call back to her. I walk into her room, finding her sitting there with her head in her hands. "What's wrong?" I step towards her, worried.

"Nothing, Junnie," she looks up, giving me a small smile. It doesn't reassure me. "I just have a migraine. Your father left something for you on your bed."

I instantly feel my stomach twist nervously. He barely comes around, but when he does, it usually doesn't mean anything good. He always treats my mother horribly. 

I give her a quick nod and exit her room, making a beeline straight for my own. A small box is sitting on the edge of my bed. I grab it and open it, tossing the lid across the room in nervous excitement. To my surprise, the only thing that sits in there is a note.

It reads,


I'm sorry for my absence lately. I've been terribly busy, but maybe tonight you would be interested in a family movie night. I know I haven't been the best father. Let me fix it and show you how awesome your pops really is. One day, I will show you what I do and you'll understand why I'm always busy. Maybe you can take over for me.

Last quick thing. Your mother told me that your grades haven't been that good in school lately. You need to do better. Back in the day, I was the top of my class, valedictorian. I run a business and I hope for you to follow in my footsteps. You can't do that with shitty grades. There will be punishments from now on. We can talk about it more later.

Love, Father

I roll my eyes, throwing the paper straight in the trash. I just knew this would be a waste of time. If only he knew what I was dealing with in school. I'm not exactly a popular kid. In fact, no one really likes me. I don't have friends to lean on for help. I barely understand what the teacher is saying half of the time. I've tried looking things up online to see if there's something wrong with me, but I've come to the conclusion that it's just laziness. Maybe there is a reason for him to be angry with me. I don't have the motivation to actually do the work or listen.

I look at other kids and see how they talk about the fun things they get to do at home. I don't get to come home to any of that. Maybe I just don't really care about anything right now.

A loud pounding echoes through my room. She's knocking on my door.

"Yeonjun!" She screams. I jump in fear. That's the angriest I've ever heard her. "Open the goddamn door."

I rush over to the door and open it wide, my hands shaking.

"I found this by the front door," she pushes my backpack towards me, making me jerk away from it as to not get hit in the face.

"I usually put it there-" I try to answer, but she quickly cuts me off.

"What is all over it?"

I take another look and remember the events of the day. Someone tripped me in the lunchroom and dumped chocolate milk all over me for fun. I look back up at my mother who is seething with rage.

"Chocolate milk. I can clean it up-"

She groans, throwing the backpack at me. I catch it before it hits me in the face.

"If you would just make some friends, this wouldn't happen to you every fucking day." Her eyes are glazed over and I realize just what's happening right now. She's high.

"I don't like to talk to people," I answer shyly. "I like the quiet." Especially since I never get any at home.

"One day, you'll grow up with no friends, no one who loves you, and then where will you be?" She rolls her eyes. "You'll be a nobody."

I nod. "I'll try harder."

She walks away without saying another thing. I quickly walk to the sink and start cleaning my backpack, the water coming out brown with traces of chocolate milk. 

Maybe that's all I was taught to be...all I'm meant to be. A nobody.

But maybe I don't want to be a nobody.

My thoughts are cut short when the front door is thrown open. "Yeonjun!" The loud boisterous man stomps over to me with a wide smile on his face. The smile fades quickly, however, when he notices what I'm doing. "Why are you getting your backpack all wet?"

"'m cleaning it," I mumble.

He glances around for a moment. "What happened?" He suddenly asks, smile wiped away, completely serious.

"I-I spilled chocolate milk on my backpack."

He sighs, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You spilled chocolate milk, or someone else did?"

I blink, trying to keep my face emotionless and calm. "I did."

He hums, staring down at me. "I think you're lying to me."

"I did!" I start to get frantic. "I tripped..." It's half the truth.

He shakes his head. "You wonder why I'm never around," he mumbles then turns to me, grabbing my backpack from me. "This is why," he shoves it in my face. "Such a disgrace. You can't even get kids at school to care about you. Why should I? Hm?"

My breathing starts to get shaky. "I-I'm sorry."

His jaw clenches, veins bulging out of his neck. He's extremely scary when he's like this. I can't count on my mother to step in either, because she stays hidden in her room whenever there are encounters like this.

"Eunae!" He shouts angrily. "EUNAE!"

I jump in fear, looking down at my feet. He looks back down at me, giving up at getting her attention. "I'll teach you a lesson. Maybe you'll learn to have some dignity."

He grabs me by the arm and drags me down the hallway to his room. It's a room I'm never allowed inside. I know this can't be good. I start struggling against him, trying to pull away.

"Please, I'll be better," I cry.

He shuts the door behind us and shoves me across the room. I almost lose my balance, but I catch myself before falling onto his bed. He locks the door then starts unbuckling his belt and sliding it from its loops. 

After the first ten lashes, I stopped feeling any real pain. I started to become numb. But it was what came after the lashes that really hurt me. The only warning I got was the soft sound of him unzipping his pants.

After that day, I lost any motivation I had left. I didn't want to study or work or breathe. So I went to the top of our apartment building, wanting to throw myself off, knowing I wouldn't survive. Instead, I found someone. He took my pain away.


you finally see yeonjun's true backstory

you get to see why he was so standoffish in school

why he's introverted and kind of shy

Junghoon was an absolute asshole and pedophile



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