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Hoseok's POV

The past few days, it's been obvious that Yoongi has been avoiding me. He told me that he was going to care for me and make me happy, but now he's basically disappeared. The only thing keeping me motivated to stay alive right now is the fact that I want to find out why he's avoiding me.

Jin walks into my room and plops onto the side of my bed with a huge sigh. "Guess who relapsed," he groans, dropping his face into his hands.

"No," I mumble. "He was doing so well."

"Yeah, he's just been really stressed lately," Jin explains. "I haven't paid enough attention. I should have been trying harder to keep him in check."

"That's not your job."

"But he asked me to take care of him and keep him sober," Jin pulls his head from his hands. "I made him a promise."

I sigh. "Well, in this case, the promise goes both ways. He can't just put that much pressure on you. He also has to pull his own weight. He fell to the pressure."

Jin sighs. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Talk to him. Pull him back. You're the only one who can truly bring him back from this," I nod. "This is the promise you made him. Right here."

Jin smiles. "You're good at advice, Hobi," he speaks. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd be just fine," I laugh, nervously, scratching the nape of my neck.

"A Hoseok-less life is a meaningless one," a voice comes from the doorway. Yoongi.

Jin chuckles. "Isn't that the truth." He stands up. "Well, I'll you two to it, then." He gives me a knowing smile and walks out the door, closing it behind him.

I look at Yoongi. "It's been a minute since you've even looked in my direction."

Yoongi sighs, walking over and sitting in the chair next to my bed. "I had some shit I had to sort out."

"What kind of shit?" I ask.

Yoongi laughs it off and tries to move to a new subject.

"No, tell me," I persist. "What things did you have to sort out? What was so important that you had to completely ice me out for three days?"


"Yoongi," I snap at him. "Just tell me."

My anger is at a boiling point. It's about to burst out of me in a surge of rage. But in a turn of events, something I never expected happens.

Yoongi takes a deep breath, leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. My eyes go wide and I quickly pull away.

I bring my fingers up to my lips in disbelief. "Wh-what was-"

"N-nothing," he stands up. "I've gotta go."

He rushes out of my room, leaving me there spiraling into oblivion.


Yeonjun's POV

I let my feet dangle over the roof of the building. I take deep breaths as I lean forward, looking over the edge.

"It's a long way down," Soobin speaks from behind me.

I whip my head around in his direction. He smiles sadly, coming up to sit next to me.

"I didn't know you followed me," I mumble.

He sighs. "I may have lagged behind a bit."

I bite my lip, returning my gaze out in front of me, looking at all of the other buildings and the cars speeding along the streets. "It would have been poetic."

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