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Yeonjun's POV

"And you thought it was a good idea to bring him here?" I shout, internally freaking out quite a bit.

"I trust him," Soobin shrugs.

"A terrible decision, really," the guy comments.

My nostrils flare as I glance back at Soobin, panicked.

"It'll be fine, Junnie. He has information we need and he knows about the Jeon mafia now anyway. Might as well bring him in."

Soobin is acting like this isn't a huge risk. "Now that we know what Junghoon's business with the Jeons was, you thought it was a good idea to bring someone that he knows straight to our place of safety? Really? That was your best move?"

"Yeonjun, chill," Jeongguk's voice booms from behind me. He walks into the room and my mouth snaps shut. "You're Damien."

"Y-yeah," he takes the hand Jeongguk had already shoved in his face to shake. "Nice to meet you."

"Now, tell us what you know about Junghoon's past with the Jeons."

Soobin leans back against the couch.

"All I know is that Junghoon seems really intent on finding you guys. I think it has to do with his rivalry with Jimin. They have hated each other for years," he explains. "I don't know why."

"Oh, I do," Jeongguk chuckles humourlessly. "Junghoon raped Jimin when he was a child and then paid multiple others to rape him. Not saying I feel bad for the guy, but at least he has a reason behind the hatred."

Soobin's head snaps to look at Jeongguk upon hearing this. "He...raped Jimin?"

"Yep," Jeongguk sighs. "Fucked him up pretty bad, I'd say."

"Made him a psychopath," I mumble.

Soobin glances at me sadly. "So...that's the motive then, which means, Y/N isn't in any danger, right?"

Yeonjun shakes his head. "If he knows Jimin well, he knows of the Jeons. He's probably kept a close eye on us. Knows the inner workings and every person involved, including Y/N."

"But if Jimin's dead then why would he have anything against the rest of us?" Soobin asks.

"Yeonjun told me you asked Junghoon to locate Y/N? You told him about her disappearance?" Jeongguk inquires.

Soobin sighs with a nod. "Yeah. That's my mistake. I take full responsibility."

Jeongguk puts a hand up to stop him. "I understand what you were trying to do and I respect it. But you have to be more careful. Now we know that he has connections to the Jeons. We don't know what kind of connections he might have to Y/N."

"Junghoon is very secretive about his private life," Damien speaks up. "But I do know there's someone he speaks a lot about. He's searching for them."

"Is it Y/N?" Jeongguk asks.

"I've never heard him use a name, but he says she stole something that was rightfully his," Damien shrugs. "He seems like he's very intent on getting whatever it is back. He won't stop until he finds her."

"Her? You know it's a female?"

Damien nods. "He uses female pronouns when talking about her. He doesn't seem very fond of her."

"Or maybe that's just his way of love," I mutter under my breath.

Soobin shrugs, subtly agreeing with me.

"So we have a motive for Jimin to hate Junghoon, but why was Junghoon always after Jimin?" Jeongguk asks. "It doesn't make sense. If a psychopathic nephew I wronged a long time ago was after me, I would be running away, not running towards it."

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