Chapter 18

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What draws me back into the cave was Charlotte's screams. I race back and hear hushed voices talking.

"Does it happen often," Bellamy asks. She must have been having nightmares. I hear Charlotte sigh.

"What are you scared off," Bellamy asks. "You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it."

"But, I'm asleep," Charlotte tells him.

"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep."

"Yeah, but how?"

"You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death. Let me see that knife I gave you. Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and you say screw you, I'm not afraid."

"Screw you. I'm not afraid. Screw you. I'm not afraid," Charlotte says, getting louder each time.

"Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep," Bellamy states. There was some shuffling, then it got quiet. I heard some small snores that were too quiet for Bellamy. I peer around the corner and see Charlotte is fast asleep with Bellamy staring at the wall.

"You were really good with her," I say, coming around the corner and sitting down next to him.

"Its because of O," he explains, glancing at me.

"Well like I said the other night, she's lucky to have you."

He smiles at me and I return it. A small chill runs through my body causing me to shiver.

"Here take this," Bellamy says, shrugging his jacket off. He wraps his jacket around my shoulders, but keeps his arm around me for a moment. After a few seconds, he rests his hand on my hand that got burned by the fog. I hiss back in pain, pulling my hand away.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Here, let me take a look at it," he immediately says, reaching for my hand. I reluctantly give my hand to him. I watch him as he is inspecting my hand. He is really handsome. "This might hurt a little," he says, grabbing a bottle. With that, he pours water on my hand which make me hiss in more pain. I tried to pull my hand away, but he had an ironclad grip on my wrist. Once he is done pouring the water, he rips a part of his shirt off and wraps my hand.

"Clarke will have to take a look at that when we get back," he says releasing his grip from my wrist but putting his hand over mine. I look up and see he's staring

"We should get some sleep. I don't think that fog is lifting anytime soon," I say after a while.

"You should, I'll go check the entrance."

With that being said, Bellamy gets up and disappears around the corner. I slide my arms into Bellamy's jacket, pull the hood up, and lay back on the rocks. I hum a song that my mom would always sing to me, drifting into a deep slumber.


When I wake up, I try and sit up, but there is a weight holding me down. I look down and see Bellamy's arm wrapped around me and feel the warmth radiating off of him. I lift his arm off of me without waking him up and scoot to the other side of the cave. I fall asleep once again, missing the warmth from Bell.


"Minerva, wake up, the fog is gone," a voice says, shaking me awake.

"Five more minutes," I groan, rolling over, but smacking my head off a rock. "Son of a biscuit."

"C'mon Min," another voice says. With that I sit up, seeing Charlotte was the one shaking me, and Bellamy chuckling at me, but also looking a little sad.

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