Chapter 20

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"Wells is dead."

I sit there and blink a few times, the sentence sinking in. Once it really registers what he says, I start sinking towards the ground, shaking my head. Bellamy follows, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. My breath quickens and my hands start to shake uncontrollably.

"Min, its ok, I'm here," Bellamy says trying to calm me down.

"Wells is dead. Wells is dead. Wells is dead," I just kept repeating the sentence over and over again, rocking. Bellamy tries to bring me back to my senses but he couldn't do it. He leaves me rocking and repeating the sentence. Though within seconds, he is back bragging Miller behind him.

"Bellamy let me go. I have other things," he stops midsentence seeing the state I am in. "What the HELL happened? What did you do Blake?"

"I told her that Wells died, and this happened," he explains, stuttering at the same time. Miller got down on his knees and pulled my rocking body to his chest.

"Ver, listen to my heartbeat, and breath in through your nose and out your mouth with me," he says, doing the same thing. After a few minutes, my breath slows, but is shaky still and I am not rocking no more. I took a deep gulp of air and leaned away from Miller.

"Thanks Mil," I said, voice a little shaky. He nods his head and stands up, offering me a hand. I reluctantly take it and rock from my toes to my heels.

"I'll leave you two alone again, just come get me if you need me again," Miller says awkwardly. He leaves quietly leaving me and Bellamy alone once again. Neither one of us say anything for several minutes.

"You ok," Bellamy asks.

"Yeah, panic attack, happens sometimes," I tell him with my voice shaking. I lean against the cot, still not believing that Wells is gone. "How did it happen."

"Grounders. We think."


"The graveyard."

I gasp at that. If I had stayed there, I could have saved him. My hand begins to shake uncontrollably.

"Min, what is it," Bellamy asks, stepping towards me.

"I was with him last night. I could have saved him," I say, as I begin to cry.

"Hey, no, don't blame yourself. If you were there too, you might have been killed too," Bellamy tries to reason. He pulls me into a hug. "Clarke wouldn't be able to handle if she lost both of her best friends. She can't lose you. Octavia can't lose you. This camp can't lose you. Hell, even though we fight constantly, I can't lose you."

I chuckle at the last part of little speech. "Thanks Blake," I said, pulling away and smiling.

"No problem Gorgeous, if you need anything, come find me," he said, brushing a stray hair behind my ear. He returns my smile and lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it gently.

"Min, I heard what happened. Are you," Octavia stops midsentence seeing how close Bellamy and I are. We both immediately take a step back and releases our hands from each other.

"Ummm, well I'm gonna go. And you might want to check on Charlotte when you decide to come out," Bellamy says, awkwardly, shuffling out of the tent.

"The hell was that," Oct says as soon as Bellamy is gone.

"He told me and was making sure I was ok."

"That's not what I meant. I meant the kissing of your hand. Do you have feelings for my brother," she interrogates.

"Absolutely not. He's an asshole," I said, turning away from her so she can't see the blush rising up my cheeks. I might have some small feeling for him, but I sure as hell ain't telling her that. "Look, I gotta go so I'll see you tonight."

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