Chapter 15

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And the moaning continues throughout the night, and many people were complaining about it, which made it harder to sleep. I tossed and turned all night until I decided that I wasn't going to be anytime soon. I walked around camp and then decided to take a small adventure close to the camp. I found a downed tree and laid back on it, looking at the stars.

"I miss you mom," I said out loud. Despite her not visiting me all the time in the Skybox, I knew she still cared about me and wished that I wasn't there. But she also understood why I was arrest. I thought my best friend could do no wrong and when I saw her being dragged towards the Skybox, I might have lost it and punched a guard in the face, breaking his nose.

I heard some footsteps coming near me and I sat up. Luckily just in time as a bottle is tossed my way. I quickly catch it before it hits me in the face.

"You need to have some water," a voice says, Bellamy.

"Thanks," I said quietly taking a sip. He nods and sits next to me. "So what did you do to Atom," I ask after several quiet minutes.

"What makes you think I did anything to him," he snaps. Putting my hands up in defense, "Whoa, I was asking because Oct is worried."

"Well whatever happened to him is on him."

"Bell, what did you do."

"I'm making sure no one touches her."

"What about me? I hugged her."

"I meant guy wise."

I shake my head at him and smile.

"What," he says, smiling back.

"She's lucky to have someone who is willing to protect her no matter what."

"So do you."

I give him a confused look. He smiles again and shakes his head.

"Who," I ask, shaking his arm. Bellamy lets out a laugh. An actual laugh. I smile, happy that I can see the soft side of the older Blake.

"Well I'm pretty sure if someone you didn't want touching you touched you, Miller would kick their ass like a good boyfriend he is," he explains.

"What? You think Miller is my ," I say, not being able to finish my sentence because I was laughing too hard. Bellamy looks at me raising his eyebrow. "Bell, I'm not Miller's type," I try to explain, but that only made his eyebrow go higher. "Miller has someone already. He's still on the Ark."

Bellamy quickly realizes and runs his hand through his hair. I am still laughing so hard that tears are running down my face. After a few minutes, I am finally calming down, but still have a smile plastered on my face.

"Wow, am I stupid," Bellamy says, shaking his head.

"What made you think he was," I asked, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Well the first day, you guys were super close before we left and found our get-away place. Then that night, his arm was around you. He also said to leave you the hell alone about the wristband."

"Miller and I became really good friends on the Ark, practically best friends. Prison work detail to see if we didn't have to be floated on our 18th birthday so we always trusted each other since then. And as for the wristband, you didn't listen," I explain.

"Yeah," he says quietly.

I look up to the sky wishing I could see my mom again, to hear her sing again.

"What's on your mind," Bell asks looking over at me.

"I just kinda miss my mom," I said, shrugging.

"You'll see her again, I promise," he says, resting his hand on mine.

"How can you be so sure? You never know what is going to happen tomorrow," I said looking at him.

"Because you are a survivor even though you might need some saving sometimes," he explains.

"I don't need saving," I argue.

"Sure you don't, gorgeous," Bellamy teases. I roll my eyes, and he gets up. "See you in the morning," he says.

"You aren't gonna force someone else to take their wristband off are you," I said recalling the first night.

"Haha," is all he says sarcastically then walks back toward the camp.

I lie back and look to the stars yet again. How has my life changed so much just in the last few days? I fall asleep with that on my mind.

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