Chapter 24

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Minerva POV

I go into camp, avoiding any person I see and go straight to my tent. I go in and see Octavia laying down on her cot.

"Min, where the hell have you been," she says getting up and throwing her arms around me.

"I was around. Just needed my space with everything that happened," I said returning the hug. We stayed hugging in silent for several minutes.

"So what's going on with you and my brother," she finally asks. I pull back from the hug and throw my head back and groan. "I have never seen him like that with another person."

"There is nothing going on between me and your brother," I said throwing myself onto my cot.

"Fine, I'll ask him myself," she says, leaving.

"Have fun with that," I mumble to myself once she is gone. I just lay in silence until exhaustion overtakes me.

I am woken by shouting outside. Attempting to try to fall back asleep, I roll over.

"Min, get your ass out her," Oct comes in shouting. She grabs my arm and drags me out against my grumbling. "Don't kill me yet, just look."

I look up to the sky and see something falling towards Earth.

"What the hell," I say looking at her.

"Bellamy, get out here," Octavia shouts towards her brother's tent. He comes out almost immediately without a shirt on. I quickly look away then back to him as two girls come out wrapped in a blanket. I roll my eyes and Bellamy catches me and just stares. I turn on my heel and look back to the sky. As it gets closer to us, I realize it's a pod.

"They're here to help us," someone calls out. "Now we can kick some Grounder's ass," someone else says.

"Thank god, its about damn time," I sigh.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo," one of Bellamy's conquests says. I look over and its none other than Roma, my former roommate. I roll my eye's once again and Oct hits my shoulders for it. I notice Bellamy looking away from the sky and I see fear in his eyes. What is going on with him. Bellamy and a few guys enter his tent. Octavia and I are not far on their heels.

"If it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake," one guy says.

"We should get moving. Everyone's ready," Octavia says.

"I think we should move out," I said agreeing.

"No one's going anywhere, Bellamy states. "Not while it's dark. It isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Tell the others."

Octavia and he had a stare down while the guys left.

"Bellamy, everyone for miles saw that pod come down. What if there is something that we need in there," I ask.

"Bell we should go now," Oct says, backing me up.

"I said we leave at first light." With that he leaves.

"He's up to something Oct," I say to her. She nods her head in agreeance. We both leave and she follows after Bellamy, while I go to our tent and grab our bags. I come back out and quickly find Oct who is about to leave camp. "And where do you think you are going."

She lets out a small shriek and turns super-fast. "Don't try to keep me here, Bell left," she says. Before she could even finish, I toss over her bag.

"You're not leaving without me," I told her leading the way, smirking. Oct registers what I said and followed me. I quickly picked up Bellamy's tracks. In a few hours the sun beings to rise and we see him slightly ahead of us. Oct runs ahead and confronts him. As I approach, I hear his confession.

"I shot Jaha." Octavia takes a slight step back surprised by it. "I found out they were sending you to Earth. I couldn't let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal, do this. Kill him, and they'd get me on the dropship. And I did it."

"You killed the Chancellor?"

"He floated our mother. He locked you up. He deserved it."

"I didn't ask you to do that," is all Oct says.

"You're right. I made the choice. This is on me. Whatever they sent down, I'll take care of it."

"I didn't ask for any of this." With that she runs back in the direction of camp passing me with tears threatening to fall down her face.

"Oct wait," I say attempting to grab her arm but I'm too late. I watch her disappear into the forest. I look back and see Bellamy watching her leave. "You really messed up Blake."

"You think I don't know that but what else was I going to do."

"Try to talk to her and find out what she wants. She did whatever you and your mom wanted but never anything she wanted to do. She wants to be treated like the human she is and not a child," I shout at him before following after Oct.

I am so sorry for not updating sooner. School is killing me this semester. What do you guys think will happen with Minerva, will she find Octavia before finding out about Raven or will she find Raven while Octavia is missing?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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