Chapter 12

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We eventually bump into Murphy and Wells and we continue as a group towards the splashing sound. We come up to a small pond where Finn and Clarke are in splashing each other. Finally someone to make her relax. I smile until I noticed a pair of googles. I go up to them.

"Minerva, what is it," Wells ask. I hold up the googles and look out.

"These are Jaspers," I say.

I look around to find anything else that could show which way they went. I noticed a rock that had something red on it. I reach down and put my fingers in it. It was blood and it was fresh.

"What do you see," Bellamy calls out. I stand back up.

"Blood, and its still fresh. They were here not too long ago," I said, showing my hand to them.

"Let's go," Clarke says. Finn noticed some tracks and was able to follow them. We continued through the forest with no one talking.

"Hey, how do we know if this is the right way," Murphy asks after a while.

"We don't. Spacewalker thinks hes a tracker," Bellamy says.

"Its called cutting sign. Fourth-year earth skills. He's good," Wells explains.

"Hey, why don't you guys shut up or would you rather have a target on your backs," I said, shutting them up. I notice a branch has been broken off on a nearby tree. "Finn," I say nodding my head towards it.

Finn lightly lifts it then lets it swing as he bends down seeing more blood. Clarke follows.

"See, your invisible," I hear Bellamy say to Wells as I walk further ahead.

"So are you," Wells responds. What are they talking about. In the distant, there was a moan.

"Jasper," Clarke and I say at the same time.

We head towards the moaning when we break into a small field with a tree in the middle. In the tree, Jasper was tied to a few large branches, moaning.

"Oh, my God, Jas," I say, running towards the tree.

"Minerva, be careful," Finn says.

As I near the tree, the ground gives out and I start falling. I brace for impact, but one never happens. Instead I am stopped midair with a tug on my arm. I glance down and saw sharpened spikes that would have killed me if I had fallen on them. I look up and I see Bellamy is the one holding me above the spikes. I hear from behind him, "pull her up", I can tell Bellamy is looking down at me with so much fear in his eyes.

"Bellamy please," I plead.

He starts to pull me up and I kick against the walls to try and help. Bellamy was able to pull me up and we both fall. Me on top of him. I roll off and look over at him. I pull him into a quick hug saying, thank you. He returns the hug but pulls away quickly and stands up. He offers his hand to help me up which I gladly take.

"Are you ok Minerva," Clarke and Wells ask at the same time. I nod my head glancing over to the Blake sibling.

"We need to get him down," Clarke says.

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines," Finn said. I look around and find a large stick. I offer it to Finn who gives me a strange look.

"Push it to the ground before you step so that doesn't happen to you," I explain pointing to the pit in front of us. He nods his head.

"I'll go with you," Wells says.

"No. You stay here and watch him. You're coming with me," Finn states, pulling Murphy with him towards the tree.

As they are climbing, I look around the tree, not getting to close. Why would they spear him, keep him alive, just to tie him to a tree. As the rest of the group is trying to figure that out, I keep an eye out in case the grounders are nearby. I hear footsteps behind, so I pull out my knife.

"Hey now, its me," I hear Bellamy say, probably noticing the blade. I sigh and put it back into my pocket. "You good," he asks.

Nodding my head, I say, "just keeping an eye out. You never know whats going to jump out."

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