Chapter 8

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I'm on the Ark, in the hell kitchen. Miller comes up from behind me and says its time. "Time for what," I said turning to look at him, my eyes opening wide. "Time to die," he says as Atom and Murphy grab her arms, dragging her to her death. I am being dragged down a long hallway with people in it, shaking their heads at me. The first person I see in the hallway is my mom. "Mom," I call out to her. "You are the reason why your father is dead. I have never loved you," she says, still shaking her head. "You are going to leave me alone on the Ark, what kind of best friend are you," Wells says. "I'm glad you are finally going to die. Sharing a cell with you was miserable," Roma says. "You didn't have to get arrested because of me," Clarke says. "You would have been a great worker and person on the Ark if you didn't get arrested," Jaha says, being the last person in the hallway. I am shoved into the airlock and turn back to see Bellamy at the controls. "Bell," I say in a small voice. I shake my head, not wanting to die. "I thought you would have figured it out by now, but you are as stupid as when you got arrested. I loved you and you don't even remember who I am," Bellamy says before pushing the release button. I'm screaming and pleading to let me live before I'm thrown into open space.

I wake with a start, sweat dripping down my face. I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath. Why did I fall asleep. I curse at myself for the fact that I fell asleep. Leaving my tent, I noticed it was still dark out. I sit by the embers of the fire and just think about my nightmare. What did Bell mean by he loved me, we just met unless we met before my final hearing to survive my 18th birthday. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't notice Wells sitting next to me.

"You continue to think like that, and you might burn your brain," he says chuckling.

"Haha, very funny," I say sarcastically, but smiling.

"I'm sorry that I was insensitive about yesterday," he says, offering me a small smile.

"It's alright, it was just a rough day for me. I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you," I said, glancing over at him.

"Best friends fight sometimes, its life," he says, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I smile, then I noticed his wristband is missing. My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion knowing he would never take it off willingly.

"Where's your wristband Wells."

"I was forced to take it off last night, he says," his eyes falling to the ground.

"Who," is all I ask.

"Bellamy and his crew," he answers after a few minutes. I take a deep breath and attempt to get up, but Wells grabs my wrist.

"Don't. Please, Minerva," he pleads.

"Why shouldn't I."

"Because Bellamy has a gun and I don't want you to get hurt," he says, looking up at me with a little bit of fear in his eyes.

"Fine," I said, sitting back down on the log, sighing as I do.

As the sun starts to rise, Wells gets off the log and says that he's going to bury the two delinquents that died in the landing. I nod my head and just stare at the rising sun. After a few hours, everyone starts to wake up and enjoy the fact that they are on the ground. Miller comes and sits next to me, but we dont talk for several minutes.

"Were you one of the people who took Wells wristband off last night," I question him, after a while.

"Absolutely not. After the look of death you gave me for taking mine off, I backed off," he explains.

"So you knew," I asked, looking over at him.

"I was asked to help, but like I said I backed off after the death glare you gave me," he explains, putting his hands up in surrender.

"God, I missed you Miller," I said, smirking.

"I missed you too Minerva, but I didn't miss how intimidating you are," he said, raising an eyebrow. I laughed out loud at his remark. He smiles.

"That song you sang last night, it was a really good picker-upper. And, I never thought I'd hear you sing again, you barely sang before your final hearing, and you only sang when the last people where coming in the dining area," he continues.

"I know, but to be fair, that week was stressful, nerve racking, and I can't even remember half of it," I explain. He nods his head, understanding. "And I kinda miss it too," I tell him.

He gives me a strange look. "Being in the kitchen. It made life bearable while living in the Skybox," I explain. And it was true. All I had to worry about in the kitchen is getting the portions right and cleaning up at the end of my shift.

"Remember when the janitors would come in," he said looking over at me.

"I was barely ever there long enough to get them through. Especially as my final hearings were coming up," I said, smiling, knowing he always enjoyed talking with the janitors. They were kinda like us. Stuck with the jobs no one else wanted.

"That's true," he says, laughing. "Well, I never told you this, but there was this one that mustve had the biggest crush on you because some of his buddy would joke about you and him being together. And when you stopped showing up, he would ask about you constantly," he continues. I laughed at the thought of someone having a crush on someone in the Skybox.

"Yeah, right," I said, shaking my head.

"I'm not joking. I even asked him myself and he couldnt give me a straight answer," he argues.

"Ok, then what was his name," I said looking at him.

"They would call him by his last name which was...," he was cut off by a scream echoed through the camp. Miller and I run to the scene of Murphy holding a girl above a fire.

"Check it out. We want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first," Murphy tells.

Wells immediately rushes and shoves Murphy off the girl, shouting "let her go." I run up beside the girl and asks if she ok. She nods and walk/ jogs away. Wells turns to Bellamy and say, "You can stop this."

"Stop this? I'm just getting started."

Murphy comes out of nowhere and punches Wells in the face, causing Wells to fall back. The delinquents all start shouting "fight" as Wells and Murphy battle. I attempt to make them stop, but Miller puts his arm in front of me.

"You'll get yourself killed if you try to stop Murphy," he says.

"Well I was supposed to die yesterday, so what the hell," I said, pushing his arm away from me.

Wells punches Murphy and it dazed him. Wells gets off of him and tells Bellamy, "Don't you see, you can't control this?"

Murphy pulls out a knife made from the dropship and stands up saying "You're dead."

Murphy starts towards him, but Bellamy says "wait." Bellamy pulls a knife from his pocket and offers it to Wells. "Fair fight," he says and tosses it to the ground. The crowd begins to murmur and I shake my head, not believing that Wells will pick up the knife. "Wells you don't have to do this. Be smart," I said walking towards the three of them.

"I have to," he says

"Like hell you do. You are not a fighter," I argue.

"Shut the hell up," Murphy says, attempting to shove me back. But I block him, causing him to falter. Bellamy starts to walk away and grabs my arm, pulling me with him.

"Don't you touch me," I said shaking my arm out if his grip. Bellamy seems surprised by my reaction. He seemed hurt by it. I dont give a shit though, after what he did to Wells, he deserves whatever is coming his way.

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