Chapter 13

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Almost as soon as I said that, there was growling.

"Just my luck," I mumble under my breath. Bellamy glances at me with fear in his eyes again.

"What was that," he says.

"Grounder," Finn says, more as a question than an answer. Just outside the field, there is a large black panther making its way towards us.

"Definitely not grounders. And now would be a grand time for that gun of yours Bell," I say stepping back closer towards the tree.

The panther snarls and races towards me and Bellamy. He grabs my arm and starts running out of the panther's path. Once out of the path, Bellamy begins patting over his body trying to find the gun as the big cat continues to get closer. It jumps out towards us and Bellamy pushes me behind his back. Gunshots ring out and the panther lands in the nearby brush. It continues to stalk us from there where it was hidden to us.

"Where did it go," Murphy says.

"I don't know," Bellamy says, looking around pushing me closer to the tree and so I was hidden behind him. I notice the brush just to my left start to move. I started to scream as the panther jumps out heading straight for me. Or so I thought. Bellamy pulls me out of its path to the ground with him on top of me, protecting me. More gunshots ring out and the panther collapses about a foot from Bellamy and I as the gun starts clicking meaning that it was out of bullets. Bellamy gets up, pulling me with him and pulls me away from the animal.

"Now she sees you," he says to Wells who drops the gun.

"Same with you," he said to Bellamy.

I give them both a quizitive look, but neither one responds. We finally get Jasper down and I make a stretcher for him with two large, strong branches and part of the dropships parachute.

"You done with this," Bell asks, once Jasper is on the stretcher, meaning the parachute.

"Yeah," I say quietly. He takes the parachute and begins to wrap the panther in it.

"We gotta eat," he says, seeing me stare.

"I wasn't going to say anything, plus I was going to have someone do it," I explain to him.

"Oh," he says quietly, tying the parachute in a knot to make it easier to get back to camp.

It was quiet going back to camp, with the occasional moan from Jasper. It was Clarke and I's turn to carry Jasper with Wells, Finn, and Bellamy keeping watch and Murphy dragging the panther. After a while, Bellamy takes Clarke's place and carries Jasper until we saw the dropship, then Finn and Wells took over. We hear a shout from inside, "They're back." Clarke is the first on through the gate, already barking orders and leading Finn and Wells into the dropship. Bellamy and Murphy walk into camp and set the panther on the ground.

"Who's hungry," he shouts to the crowd. The crowd cheers, happy that they finally can eat. I smile at the Blake siblings who are embracing and happy that there is food. I soon go into the dropship to help Clarke as best I can. After helping, I head out to find Finn staring at something.

"What's up Spacewalker," I ask. He doesn't answer, but nods toward the fire and the ever-growing line. I look over and see Bellamy's crew taking off peoples wristbands for food. "Oh, hell no. I am not taking it off," I said shaking my head and sitting down on a log.

Clarke comes out and notices the scene. "I won't do it," she says.

"You don't have to," Finn says, walking towards it. He grabs two sticks and attempts to walk away.

"Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. What, you think you play by different rules," Murphy asks, before Finn could get away.

"I thought there were no rules," Finn says walking away. He offers one to Clarke and keeps the other. Thanks Im not hungry. Another person tries to do the same thing that Finn did, but Bellamy grabs his hand. Then, he swings and punches him in the face and leaves the camp. He comes back a few minutes later with steam rolling out his ears. He walks over to the fire and grabs two sticks and starts my direction. He is in front of me in second, offering one stick to me.

"I'm not taking it off," I bluntly state.

"You don't have to. I am giving it to you. It almost killed you so you should have some," he says, placing it in my hands and walking away again. What the hell got into him.

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