Chapter 6

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Minerva POV

It was sundown before Bellamy and I were close to the dropship.

"Hey, Minerva," Bellamy says, stopping just short of the camp.

"What's up," I said, turning to look at him.

"Let's not tell anyone about the waterfall just yet. It'll be our secret get away," he says, looking back at me.

I nod my head, not wanting the beauty of the waterfall being ruined by the delinquents. He nods his head and continues to the dropship. As we encounter the delinquents, Bellamy goes straight to Murphy and they talk intensely about something. Wells finds me instantaneously.

"Did you find water," he asks.

"A little," I answer pulling the makeshift containers out of my bag.

"Great," he says taking them.

"If that's it then, bye," I say turning away from him.

"Minerva, wait, what's up with you. Ever since the landing, youve been different," Wells says, grabbing my wrist.

"Wells, the Sky Box changes people, you wouldn't know that because you were probably there two days, alright. I was there for a year," I explain.

"No, I get that, but you just have been blowing me off since the landing, and I have no idea what I did," Wells stated. I raise my eyebrows.

"You really want to talk about this right now. Today of all days," I said raising my voice.

"Yeah," he says simply, his eyes widening knowing Im getting pissed.

"Fine, I'm not pissed at you, I'm pissed at your father," I say, my voice still raised.

"And who isn't," he shouts.

The delinquents around us start staring after he says this. I look around, not liking the attention Wells and I are getting. I spot Bellamy looking over at us confused. I grab Wells hand and pull him away from the dropship and continue to drag him deeper into the forest. I don't let go until there is plenty of distance between us and the ship.

"First of all, you of all people should know not to get me pissed. Secondly, do you realize what today is," I ask, glaring.

"It's your birthday, so what," he shrugs.

"My what birthday," I ask crossing my arms.

"18th," he says quietly. I raise both of my eyebrows to prove a point. "But you weren't going to be floated. My dad told me so."

"Well, Wells, your father lied to you. He would've been the reason why I wouldve been floated," I said shaking my head.

"No, it would've been the councils decision," he fires back.

"Unless," I question.

"Unless the councils vote was a tie," he says quietly.

"Then it would've been your fathers decision and was his decision," I told him.

"But why would he do that," he asks.

"Because and I quote that I'd be a danger to the people," I told him, before walking away.

By the time I get back to the dropship, the sun was on the horizon. I laid down with my head resting on a log, staring at the reds and oranges in the sunset. I glanced over to a small group of people making a fire, before staring back at the sky.

"Well that was intense," a voice says, sitting next to me.

I glance over and saw it was Bellamy. I shrugged my shoulders, not saying anything. We sit in silence for a little bit, before he asks me what it was about.

"Long story," I answer, not wanting to talk about it.

"Ok," he says, letting the topic drop. "Our first sunset on Earth," Bellamy says, once the sun disappeared behind the horizon.

"Yeah, I guess I got my birthday wish," I say quietly.

Bellamy looks down at me confused. I shake my head, seeing Wells come out of the dropship. Bellamy glances over and gets up after seeing Wells.

"What are they doing," Wells asks coming up to me.

"What are you talking about," I ask sitting up.

People started whooping near the fire. I look at Wells in confusion and he shrugs his shoulders. I get up and push my way to the front of the ever-increasing circle around the fire. Wells follows behind me. We come up to Murphy taking a girls wristband off.

"Who's next," Bellamy shouts.

I can't believe him, distracting me from noticing what was happening earlier.

"What the hell are you doing," Wells asks.

Murphy attempts to step forwards to take on Wells for the third time of the day, but Bellamy pushes him back and says, "We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?"

"It looks like you are trying to get us killed. The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark will think were dying, that its not safe to follow," Wells lectures.

"That's the point Chancellor, we can take care of ourselves, can't we," Bellamy says, laced with sarcasm.

The crowd agrees with him. I shake my head, not believing my eyes. I look around and see that even Miller's wristband is gone. I raise my eyebrows at him, not believing he would do something like this. He catches my eyes and looks at me with remorse.

"You think this is a game? Those aren't just our friends and parents. They are our doctors, farmers, engineers. I don't care what he tells you, we won't survive here on our own. And besides if it is safe here, why wouldn't you want our people to follow," Wells still lecturing.

I shake my head at Miller and sigh because I have to agree with Wells for once.

"My people are already down. Those people locked my people up. Those people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that," Bellamy fires back at Wells.

I break up the two of them before it could get out of hand.

"Yes, Bellamy, you might not have any family left on the Ark, but what about the rest of you? What about your parents? Best friends? Significant others," I question, sending the last one towards Miller. "How would they feel when they find out you are dead because you took off the wristbands," I finish saying before Bellamy goes off, completely disregarding what I had said.

"Here, there are no laws. Here, we do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we want. Now you don't have to like it Wells and Gorgeous, hell you guys can try to stop or change it. Kill me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want," Bellamy says, casually throwing in a nickname for me.

"WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANT," the crowd starts chanting. I shake my head as Bellamy and Wells have a stare down. As I take a step between them and push them away from each other, thunder rings out from above. Rain falls from the sky and everyone cheers since we had run out of water hours ago.

"We should collect this," Wells says to Bellamy.

"Whatever the hell you want," Bellamy simply says.

Authors Note: I want to thank everyone who is still reading this far. You guys are the best. And I'm so sorry it takes me forever to update

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