Chapter 17

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Minerva POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I attempt to roll over but fall of the log I fell asleep on. Groaning, I sit up and look around. I am still were I was at when I must have fallen asleep. Though, I look down at my legs and see a blanket. That wasn't there when I fell asleep. I get up and grab the blanket and head back towards camp. When I approach, I heard a thunk on a tree and something land on the ground next to me and a brief conversation.

"That damn kid is messing with my head."

"He's not gonna last much longer. Better think of a new excuse."

Then I hear another thunk on a tree but nothing falling to the forest floor.

"That's how its done."

I enter the field of vision as Atom is talking to Murphy and Bellamy about Trina and Pascal. Murphy asks about Atom's 'special tree,' whatever that means. Probably his punishment for kissing Oct. Then they go on to talking about how it could have been Grounders, but probably not because most of the camp is off screwing. And Bellamy makes the executive decision to go hunting, but he is keeping Murphy behind. His posse rushes off to gather more people for the hunting party, but he stays back.

"You can come out now, sleeping beauty," he calls towards me.

"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt."

"Its fine, probably a good idea."

"Yeah, and thanks for the blanket," I said giving him a small smile, offering the blanket back.

"Keep it, I've got plenty," he says, pushing the blanket back to me, giving me a smile.

There is an awkward silence until Jasper's groaning breaks it.

"I better go check on him. Thanks again for the blanket," I say quickly leaving him alone. I race to the tent Oct and I share, toss the blanket in, and race towards Jasper. Clarke is cleaning off the blood from his chest, rambling on about medical stuff, and begins to heat up a blade.

"Clarke, what can I do," I call to her when I enter.

"Hold him down," she insists. I grab one side of his arms and legs and hold him down to the best of my abilities. He thrashes around and screaming as Clarke begins to cut away an infection.

"STOP YOU'RE KILLING HIM," Oct shouts racing towards us.

"She's trying to save his life," Finn calmly explains to her.

"Trust her, Oct," I tell her.

"She can't," Bellamy says, causing me to glare at him.

"Back off," Wells says, getting in his face.

"We didn't drag him through miles of wood just to let him die," Clarke tells him monotonely. She is starting to think he's not going to make it. I glance up at her to see if my suspicions are right, but she refuses to look at me. I glance around to everyone in the room and they all, except Oct, won't meet my eyes.

"Kids a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy," Bellamy states.

"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters," Clarke fires back. Maybe she didn't give up.

"Just because he isn't in your posse, doesn't mean he can be thrown to the side," I almost yell at him.

"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause," Bellamy says in a quiet voice. Glancing around, it feels like everyone is now starting to believe it.

"Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mom heal people. If I say there's hope, there is hope," Clarke explains to Oct, regaining everyone's, except Bell, to believe her.

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