Chapter 16

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Bellamy POV

I wish Jasper would just shut up already. Not necessarily die, since that would upset O, but at least shut the hell up. I walk around the dropship and see a blonde-haired person walking away. Minerva? I quickly jogged back to my tent and grabbed a water bottle and followed where the blonde disappeared. As I approach where a figure was sitting on a log, I hear, "I miss you mom." Definitely Minerva. I smile understandingly, kinda. I take a few more steps then toss the bottle towards her. It nearly hit her in the face causing me to smirk.

"You need to have some water," I say, appearing through the trees.

"Thanks," she says in a small, quiet voice. I nod and plop down next to her. We sit in silence for a while. Something is on her mind, she's never this quiet. "What did you do to Atom," she asks, after a while.

That cause my anger to blow up. "What makes you think I did anything to him," I started to yell.

She put her hands up and scooted away from me. Shit, I didn't mean to do that.

"Whoa, I was just asking because Oct is worried," she says, almost fearful.

"Well whatever happened to him is on him," I snapped back at her.

"Bell, what did you do," she asks, quietly. Dammit, why did she have to call me Bell like that.

"I'm making sure no one touches her," I calmly say, trying to keep my anger from blowing up in my face again.

"What about me? I hugged her," Minerva argues. I mentally roll my eyes.

"I meant guy wise," I say with a little chuckle. Minerva just shakes her head and smiles at me. God she is so gorgeous especially in the moonlight.

"What," I ask, smiling at her beauty.

"She's lucky to have someone who is willing to protect her no matter what," Minerva explains.

"So do you," I tell her. She gives me a confused look and cocks her head to the side. I can't help it but to smile and shake my head.

"Who," she insists, jolting my arm. I let out a belly laugh, a laugh that I haven't heard since O was arrested. The laugh made Min smile her amazing smile at me.

"Well I'm pretty sure if someone you didn't want touching you touched you, Miller would kick their ass like a good boyfriend he is," I explain to her.

"What? You think Miller is my," she says, laughing too hard, not letting her to finish her sentence. I raise my eyebrow slightly at her, not understanding. I thought they were together. They act like they are.

"Bell, I'm not Millers type," she tells. God the way she says Bell is so captivating. I raise my eyebrow even more still confused.

"Miller has someone already. He's still on the Ark," she says. My eyes shot open, realizing what she means. Hes gay, oh thank God. I run my hand through my hair tousling it. Minerva is just sitting there, laughing her ass off at me, while I am still getting over the shock. After a few minutes, Min's laughter died down, but she still had that amazing smile on her face.

"Wow, am I stupid," I says, rattling my head wondering why I thought that.

"What made you think he was," she asked, sweeping her hair behind her ear, framing her face. I couldn't help but to stare into her bright blue eyes.

"Well the first day, you guys were super close before we left and found out get-away place. Then, that night, his arm was around you. He also said to leave you the hell alone about the wristband," I explain, getting lost in her eyes.

"Miller and I became really good friends on the Ark, practically best friends. Prison work detail to see if we didn't have to be floated on our 18th birthday so we always trusted each other since then. And as for the wristband, you didn't listen," she explains, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah," is all I say to her, looking down at the ground. I was so stupid in not listening to Miller. She probably hates me because of that. When I glance back up, she is staring at the sky, with a look of sadness on her face. "What's on your mind."

"I just kinda miss my mom," she says, quietly.

"You'll see her again, I promise," I tell her, taking a risk and putting my hand on hers. She doesn't immediately pull away, which is good.

"How can you be so sure? You never know what is going to happen tomorrow," she whispers, glancing at me.

"Because you are a survivor even though you might need some saving sometimes," I tell her, thinking about the pit and the panther.

"I don't need saving," she tries to argue

"Sure you don't, gorgeous," I say, sarcastically. That caused her to roll her eyes and I smirk. I want to stay here with her, but I have to get back to camp.

"See you in the morning," I tell her, getting up.

"You aren't gonna force someone else to take their wristband off are you," she says with a small smirk on her face.

"Haha," I tell her, laced with sarcasm, leaving her on the log. I stop just outside the tree line and glance back. Minerva is already fast asleep. Damn she is so gorgeous. I jog back to camp and grab a small blanket before jogging back out to where Minerva was still asleep. I gently lay the blanket on her and smile at her features. I couldn't help but to think of her all the way back to camp and fell asleep with her still on my mind.

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