Chapter 3

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Everyone starts cheering and exits the dropship. I walk down the door and tentatively stop.

"Go on. Your fine," someone says behind me. I turn and look at the person. It was the guy in the guards uniform. Octavia's brother, Bellamy.

Bellamy nods his head towards the trees, almost telling me to go.

"Where the hell do I know you from," I ask him, stepping off the door with my back to the forest.

"What do you mean," he asks, giving me a strange look.

"I know you from somewhere, but I cant put my finger on it," I told him.

He just shrugs his shoulders and continues past me. What an ass, I tell myself.

"Nice job Octavia," I say coming up onto Octavia. She gives me a smile.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours," she says holding out her hand.

"Minerva," I said taking her hand and shaking it.

"Like the Roman goddess Minerva," she asks with a small smile. I nod. Thats pretty cool how we are both have names from Roman times, she laughs.

"Yeah, because wasn't Augustuss wife named Octavia," I asked. Octavias face lit up after I asked her.

"What," I asked her, confused why she got happy about me knowing that.

"That's who I'm named after," she tells me.

"Oh, ok, your mom must have known a lot of Roman times," I continue.

"Actually, it was my brother who named me, not my mom. But he got the name from a book my mom read to him a lot," she explains looking over at her brother. I nod following her gaze.

Where the hell do I know Bellamy Blake from, I ask myself repeatedly. Bellamy looks up and meets my gaze and starts walking this way. "Hey, O and...," he says, not knowing who I am.

"Minerva," I tell him.

He smirks at the name. He looks over at a group of guys coming out of the forest and talking to Wells. Oh God, this is going to end badly, I tell myself.

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you," Bellamy asks Wells.

Wells sighs and I silently curse at myself knowing that Wells is going to want to do what his father said, but the other delinquents arent. "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my fathers message. That has to be our first priority," Wells says, walking towards Bellamy. And there it is, Wells wanting to do whatever his father says.

"Screw your father," Octavia says, and she has every right to be angry at Jaha. "What, you think your in charge here, you and your little princess," Octavia continues. I smirk, knowing princess was towards Clarke, and knowing she hates nicknames. But I do shoot Clarke and Wells a soft look, understanding they just want to survive.

"Do you think we care who is in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the Chancellor says so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier well get and the harder thisll be. How long do you think well last without those supplies? We are looking at a 20-mile stretch, ok? So, if we want to get there before dark, we have to leave now," Clarke pleads with everyone. Ill have to admit she is a great public speaker.

"I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change," Bellamy chimes in. The gather crowd agreed with Bellamy. Oh God Wells dont do, dont try to convince them, they already hate you, I tell myself. I look at Wells pleadingly.

"You're not listening. We all need to go," Wells says. God dammit Wells, just shut up for once.

"Look at this everybody-the Chancellor of Earth," Murphy says, shoving Wells forward. Wells and Murphy begin to bicker back and forth. It escalates to Murphy pushing Wells to the ground, and maybe breaking his ankle. Clarke tries to help Wells but is stopped. I step forwards to help Wells, but my wrist is caught. I turn back and see it was Bellamy. He shakes his head, telling me not to go help. Murphy and Wells get in to fighting positions, even though Wells is limping around. Wells takes a swing, and Murphy easily deflects it. Wells is not much of a fighter, and Murphy fights to kill. Murphy is enticing Wells to swing again when out of nowhere, someone drops between them.

"Kid has one leg. How about you wait until its a fair fight," he reasons with Murphy. Murphy looked at him annoyed.

"Hey, spacewalker, rescue me next," Octavia says walking toward the guy who jumped off the dropship.

I glanced over at Bellamy, and if it was possible, steam would be coming out his ears. I smirk at his reaction. Though her comment made everyone chuckle, then they all dispersed.

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