Chapter 5

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I help Wells with the makeshift brace I made for his ankle.

"Thank God you are from a worker station," he says, trying to lighten the mood. I shake my head.

"What happened between you and Clarke," I ask looking up at him.

"I got her and her father arrested, or at least she thinks I did," he sighs. I look up at him, but he shakes his head not wanting to explain.

"That should do it," I said getting up. "But take it easy." Even though we were best friends on the Ark, I cant stand being around him right now. I go over to where people where getting supplies to build tents and grab some for a tent that Ill share with either Clarke or Octavia. I struggle getting it set up, when I hear a chuckle from behind me. I look back and its Miller.

"For someone who worked with their hands a lot, you suck at building a tent," he says, still chuckling at me.

"Ok, I'm sorry the job description didn't have building a tent in the middle of a fucking kitchen," I snap at him, not in the mood for his sarcasm.

He puts his hands up defensively and backs away slowly. I try many more times to get the tent set up, but every time, it collapses. I groan in frustration and throw the tools to the ground. Again, I hear chuckling behind me.

"I swear to god if that's you Miller, I would start running," I said, getting really pissed off.

I turn around and see its Bellamy laughing at me. I raise my eyebrows, seeing the Blake sibling not serious for once.

"Would you like some help before you kill someone," he asks, still chuckling.

"If you stop laughing, yes," I said. Bellamy stops chuckling by closing his mouth, but he just bursts into laughter. I can't help but to smile at him.

"Get over here and help me," I ask him when hes done laughing.

"Of course, since you asked nicely," he says smiling at me. I rolled my eyes. We get the tent sent up pretty quick after.

"Thanks for your help, Bell," I said glancing over at him.

"No problem, but if I had it my way, you would still be trying to put it up yourself," he says looking at me with a smirk. I flip him off, shaking my head. That only makes his smirk grow.

"Minerva," I hear Wells shout from in front of the dropship.

I turn on my heels to see what he wants, but he is just waving his arm for me to come to him.

"Thanks, again," I tell Bellamy before going over to Wells.

"What's up," I ask once I'm close enough to Wells.

"We need water," he says, not looking at me.

"Ok, I'll look around for some," I said, walking away. I go over to the dropship and grab a bag, throwing some makeshift containers in it.

"Where are you going," Bellamy says behind me.

"To go find water so we can survive until Clarke gets back," I said walking past him.

"You're not going alone," he said following me.

"Oh really. Who's going to stop me," I said, going up to Wells who is about to fight with Murphy again.

"Find any water yet," Murphy asks him.

"Not yet, but," Wells says, drifting off realizing it was Murphy talking to him. "Minerva is heading out if you want to go with her," he says looking at the dropship, where someone, being Murphy, etched into the ship FIRST SON, FIRST TO DYE.
"You know, if you are going to kill someone, you shouldn't announce it. And you spelled die wrong, genius," I said, walking away.

Bellamy stays behind for a few moments, talking to Murphy and his gang.

"Bellamy are you coming or not," I call over to him. He looks over at me, surprised I asked him to come. He finishes what he was saying to Murphy.

"Alright, let's go," he says coming up to me.

We walk through the woods silently, only the crunching of leaves under our shoes. You could cut the tension with a knife. I stop in my tracks, just taking a second to listen to my surroundings. That's when I hear water softly crashing. Bellamy, who is in front of me, notices that I stopped, and turns around.

"Why did you stop," he asks, stepping towards me.

"Stop and listen," I tell him. He shockingly listens and hears the crashing. His eyes light up when hearing the water. We start towards the sound. When we break through the tree line, we see a small waterfall. (Authors note: not the same one Clarke and Finn find searching for Jasper) It was beautiful. It had a small pond and a stream that ran farther through the trees. The mist at the bottom of the falls made a soft, blue hue. The water ran almost clear, you could see the grays and blacks of the rocks under the water clearly.

"Its beautiful," I said, admiring the beauty.

"Yeah," is all Bellamy says.

I step forwards, still taking in the beauty, when I sense someone starting at me. I turn around and see that it was just Bellamy.

"You like what you see," I tease him, knowing he was staring at me. A blush begins to grow on his cheeks. I smirk and turn back to the waterfall. I bend down and take a makeshift container out of my bag and collect a small amount.

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