Chapter 2

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"My guess, to the ground," I said looking at Miller. He looks back with a little bit of fear in his eyes. There was suddenly a crash and people screamed, Roma being one. After the crash, the screen kicked on. It was Jaha with a message saying that because of our crimes, we are expendable and being sent to Earth to see if it was livable for mankind. I cant bear looking at our so-called Chancellor. I shake my head and wonder what is waiting for us on Earth besides radiation.

The parachutes must have deployed because everyone started being pulled up. There was some screaming and shouting coming from the level above us.

"This makes me miss the good old times in the kitchen," Miller shouts. I laugh at him.

"Really? Now you want to talk about the hell kitchen," I say looking at him.

Miller just gives me a big smile. People begin shouting as the lights flicker. There was a clash and machines powering down. Everyone is quiet for a second, realizing that we are on the ground. Everyone starts to unbuckle and find the closest exit.

"The outer door in on the lower level," someone shouts from above.

"Hey, just back it up guys," a deep voice shouts. It almost sounds familiar.

"STOP," a girls voice shout at the first. Again, the girls voice sounds familiar.

"The air could be toxic," the girl says.

"If the air was toxic, were all dead anyway," the deep voice replies.

Yet another girls voice comes out, "Bellamy?" That one does not sound at all familiar, but the name does a little. Everyone beings to murmur going on about how the second girl was locked under the floor. The girl and boy embrace after the both gather who each other are.

The girl then says, "What are you wearing? A guards uniform?" She did not sound very happy.
"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has to keep an eye on you," he says with a smirk. They embrace again, only to be interrupted by the first girl.

"Where is your wristband," she asks the guy. Realizing who the girl was, I smirked. Clarke. She is always demanding things at the wrong time.

"Do you mind? I havent seen my brother in a year," the second girl say, turning to look at Clarke, glaring. Then some jackass shout that no one has a brother, and another person shouts that it is Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor. Octavia goes to try attack, but her brother grabs her before she can, telling her to stop.

"Lets give them something else to remember you by," her brother says.

"Yeah? Like what," Octavia says, hopeless looking at him.

"Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years," he says, yanking the lever open.
The door opens and fills the dropship with sunlight. I instinctively raised my head and absorbed the heat from the sun. Octavia tentatively taking steps down the dropships door until she makes it to the soil. She does a little jump to the soil and looks around her. She then drops to the ground, raises her arms and shouts, "WE'RE BACK BITCHES."

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