Chapter 21

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Everyone goes silent at her confession and just stares at her. I grab the axe from Bellamy's waist and hit at the rope. Finn catches Murphy as he drops and I turn to look at Charlotte. Once she sees me looking at her, her eyes drop to the ground. I glance over to Bellamy who is already looking at Char with a sad and fearful look on his face. I race forward and pick her up and start walking towards camp so she doesn't get hurt.

"I am so sorry," she says, sobbing into my shoulder.

"Shhhh, its ok. I'm not mad. Let's just get you somewhere safe," I tell her, resting my hand on the back of her head. Its not really ok, but she's only a little girl who probably didn't really know what she was doing. I look around to find a safe spot, but before I can, Bellamy comes up from behind me and drags me to his tent. Clarke and Finn are right behind us

"Bring out the girl, Bellamy," Murphy yells from outside.

"Why Charlotte," Bellamy asks her.

"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me to," she explains.

"What the hell is she talking about," Clarke interrupts.

"Char, that's not what he meant," I say.

"Bring the girl out now," Murphy yells from outside again.

"Please don't let them hurt me," Charlotte says, trying not to cry.

"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up," Bellamy asks Finn, Clarke, and I. "Now you stay quiet."

"Those are your boys out there," Finn says.

"This is not my fault. If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall," Bellamy shouts.

"You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out," Murphy yells.

"NO! Please, Bellamy, Minerva," Charlotte cries.

"Char, its going to be ok. Just stay here with them and we will figure something out, I promise," I say, bending resting one hand on her shoulder. Bellamy leans down next to me and places his hand on her other shoulder. I glance over to him and he nods. We both leave the tent, but I shot a glance to Finn and he nods understanding.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to join us," Murphy says, coming towards us.

"Dial it down and back off," Bellamy say authoritatively.

"Or what? What are you going to do about it? Hang me," he questions.

I was just giving the people what they wanted, Bellamy explains.

"Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now," he says turning back towards the campers. "So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor."

There are murmurs through the crowd as only four people raises their hands. And those people are Murphy's goons.

"I see. So, its ok to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk. Cowards, all of you are cowards," he yells at them.

"Maybe they wanted to hang you because you've been an asshole since we came down and they wanted to give you the same treatment. Did you ever think that Murphy," I yell at him.

He turns and looks at me venomously.

"So, you want to forgive the girl who MURDERED one of your friends," he says.

"I never said forgive her, but definitely not kill her," I say, stepping forward. Bellamy follows in suit. Murphy raises an eye at Bellamy and glance over to him. But Bellamy continues to move towards Murphy.

"It's over," he says.

"Whatever you say, boss," Murphy says, standing down. This isn't the end, not with Murphy. He's not going to stop going after Charlotte. Bellamy turns his back to Murphy, which was mistake number one. Murphy bends down and picks up a tree branch.

"Bellamy, look out," I shout, but it was already too late. Murphy swung the branch, hitting Bellamy on the head, knocking him out. I run towards them, which was mistake number two. Murphy swung the branch again and before I could dodge it, he hits me with it knocking me out too.

"Stupid bitch," is the last thing I hear before darkness succumbs me.

Thank you again for so much support in this story. School for me has started again so I will try to update as often as I can.

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