Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

After Bellamy and Clarke tell the camp of what happened with Murphy and the new leaders, the camp dispersed. Bellamy looks around and realizes Minerva is missing. He walks up to the person who probably knows where she is.

"Miller, have you seen Minerva," he asks.

"Not since she left to find Charlotte. Why she not back yet," Miller asks.

"Uh, no she is. She probably just went to bed," Bellamy says, beginning to worry.

"I can go check," Miller offers.

"No, don't worry about it. I'd hate for you to wake her cranky ass up," Bellamy says, trying to ease the worry.

"Fair enough, well I'm heading to bed. Its been a long day," Miller says, walking towards his tent. Bellamy begins to panic. He looks around camp wondering where she would've gone. He first checks the downed tree where she talked about her mom, but nothing. He went to the caves where they spent the night during the acid fog, but nothing again. He checks the tree where the panther almost killed them, but yet again nothing. He leans back on a tree racking his mind of where she could be. Then it hits him. He starts running through the tree until he comes across a small waterfall. He looks and sees a figure with their head in their hands and slightly rocking.

"Min," he calls out softly.

"Just leave me alone," Minerva says getting up and running under a rock cove.

"Min wait," Bellamy says, running towards the cove. Inside he sees Minerva having a total meltdown. "Hey, hey. Come here."

He sits down and pulls her to him. He does the tricks that Miller did to her, but it doesn't work. He has another idea. He lifts Minerva up bridal style and walks towards the water.

"Bell, what are you doing," Min says, hiccupping still crying and shaking.

"Trying something new," he says, trudging into the water. He only goes as far at his hips are underwater. "Let your body float."

"I. I. I don"t know how," she says.

"Straighten out your legs and just relax your mind," he says, keeping his arms under her. She nods her head and listens to his instruction. In seconds, the young woman is floating. Bellamy removes his arms from below her and sinks into the water. She drifts farther out into the water, but Bellamy is keeping an eye on her. He takes a minute and slides his feet out from beneath him and wets his hair.

"Bellamy," he hears her call out. He looks around and sees her far out in the water. "I can't get back."

He chuckles and starts wadding towards her until the ground drops off causing him to kick his legs to stay afloat. He finally reaches her and grabs her and pulls her close to him. Luckily it was dark enough that the eldest Blake could not see the blush rising up her face and she couldn't see his. Once Bellamy reaches where he can touch again, he stops.

"Bell, what is it," Minerva asks. He doesn't say anything. He just lifts her slightly out of the water. "Bellamy, what are you doing."

He smirks and tosses the young woman into the water in front of them. She shrieks as she sails through the air but is cut short by the splash of water. It is quiet for a second until Minerva splashes out of the water.

"What the hell, Blake," she shouts at him, but is chuckling. She trudges towards him and he sees the biggest smile on her face. And he smiles back, a true, genuine smile.

"Whatever could you be talking about," he ask, chuckling. Minerva shakes her head, looking down at the water. An evil thought comes to her mind. While still looking at the water, Minerva smirks. Out of nowhere, she pushes off the ground and tackles Bellamy into the water. Bellamy lets out a shout before it is cut short. Bellamy resurfaces and is shaking his head.

"What the hell, Gorgeous," he says chuckling.

"Payback is a bitch isn't it," she teases. Within seconds, a giant splash of water came her direction. She let out a shriek and dove away from the water. "Ha, ha you missed."

And thus began the water battle between the two. The battle continued for a while. At the end of the battle, Bellamy encloses on Minerva and tackles her into the water.

"I win," he says, once she resurfaces. She just stares at him. "What?"

Without saying a thing, she approaches the older Blake. She stops about a foot away and just stares into his. Bellamy begins to see the look in her eyes change and he starts to swim away, knowing she is about to splash him.

"Get back here Blake," she says, chasing after him.

"Nope. Not a chance in hell."

She still chases after him even after she can no longer touch. Kicking her legs, she quickly closes the distance between them. Once she is in jumping distances, she leaps out of the water and lands on Bellamy, causing both of them to fall below the surface. Bellamy comes back up first and begins to look around once Minerva doesn't immediately surface.

"Min," he calls out. He begins to panic trying to find her below the surface. But Bellamy doesn't realize Minerva quietly came back up behind him. "Minerva!"

Bellamy stops for a second, feeling like he's being stared at. He slowly turns around, but not fast enough before a giant splash of water hit him. He finishes his turn with his eyes shut and water dripping down his face. Minerva couldn't help but to let out the laugh she has been holding.

"I win," she says, laughing.

"You have 3 seconds to start running," he states calmly.

Realizing what Bellamy is about to do, Min quickly turns and attempts to swim away.

"Three, two, one," he counts down quickly. He quickly closes the distance and pulls the younger girl out of the water. "What are you going to do now, huh?"

The girl is speechless crossing her arms in front of him. He sets her back down but doesn't move.

"Fine, you win," he says, defeated but chuckling.

"Told ya," she said, turning to look back at him. She realizes how close they were and feels heat rise up her face. She looks away from him hoping he doesn't see. Minerva tries to take a step back but feels a hand wrap around her wrist. Bellamy tugs her back towards him and lifts her head so he can see her. At this point, her face is beat red, and Bellamy knows it. He leans in slightly and so does she. In the distance, a stick snapped causing the two to look towards the sounds.

"We should get back," Min said, leaning away despite not wanting to.

"Uh, yeah we should," Bellamy said, leaning back as well. The two slowly trudge out of the water and start towards camp in silence. When they were about to see the fires of the camp, Bellamy stopped.

"What is it Bell," Min says turning back around once she realized he stopped.

"We need to talk about what just happened," he says.

"Bell, its fine. Don't ahhhh," she stops mid-sentence having pain run up her arm. "Dammit."

"What is it Min," he asks, genuinely concern.

"I think the bracelet got fried."

"Want me to get it off?"

Minerva just nods his head. Bellamy pulls out his knife and pries the bracelet off her wrist. Rubbing her wrist, she says, "fuck that hurt." Bellamy smirks at her. "I guess you got your wish that the Ark thinks we are dead now," she continues. He doesn't say anything. "What Bell?"

"Nothing," he says stepping away.

"Bell," Min states.

"We need to talk about what happened."

"You mean what didn't happen? Nothing happened, no harm no foul," Min says turning back towards camp.

"Min, wait," he says, grabbing her arm.

"Bellamy, I understand. Please don't. Octavia already thinks something is happening between us and I don't want to be another Bellamy conquest, so don't," she tells him, yanking her arm from his hold. She leaves him there in the woods and enters the camp.

A cute filler chapter. I am trying to update as much as possible while in school. We have officially caught up to what I had written already so I have to write new chapters for updates.

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