Chapter 11 🍷

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Mark's POV

The bus pulled up outside the college as I could see everybody else rushing into the assembly hall. I limped off the bus and started rush there too, maybe we have a last minute assembly?

I took a seat at the back waiting for the head teacher to address the college. The hall had groups of friends chatting and shouting, I leaned back exhausted. I already had to deal with a lot of shouting from my mother; I deserved that though.

A loud bang alerted me to someone sitting next me, I looked at them. Tommy.

"Dude, who wrecked you?" Tommy asked with a smug look. My eyes widened as my cheeks flushed red. Is it that obvious?

"U-uhm, ah." I stuttered out avoiding eye contact with Tommy.

"Did you get in a fight or something? You look like shit." He then said while looking at me with worried eyes.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "My mother... don't ask." I simply replied hoping he'd drop it. He nodded then looked away seeming to be deep in thought.

Suddenly the hall went silent to signify that the head teacher had stepped out to the front. He had a group of people following behind him, obviously this is something to do with them.

"Thank you everyone for meeting here this morning." He started. "I have a nice little surprise for you all. There is a educational trip offered to all of you for free by this well established company. You will get qualifications from this and will be more likely to be employed after this." He said with his voice echoing around the hall.

"I will let them explain." He said and stood to the side letting this old looking man to speak up. He seems a bit dodgy to me.

Every couple seconds he would sniff the air and his lip would twitch.

"Good morning, i'm Ben Taylor, the  CEO of motivational business and work place company. I'm hoping to take 20 lucky students on a 6 month trip to France hoping to enhance your perspective on the world and it's economy." He said with a smirk.

I looked around at the students and their eyes were wide and intrigued. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the front.

My eyes locked with the CEO and his eyes flashed black for a moment. I shivered in my seat, there is something not right here.

In fact, lots of strange things have been happening since I first saw Damon. I just can't explain it.

His eyes moved to look me up and down and he licked his lips. Ew what a creep. Is this hoodie not working anymore?

It basically hides everything but my face. He acts like he can see my soul.

I felt a nudge in my arm "I can't believe he's offering a 6 month trip to France!" Tommy whisper shouted to me with excitement clear on his face. "I think i'll apply." He said after.

"Don't Tommy, this just seems too good to be true. There may be something else at play here." I quickly said. He looked at me interested "but wouldn't the college have done background checks?" He asked.

Damn, he had a point.

They would have checked this guy for our safety... but why can't I shake this uneasy feeling?

Being deep in thought, I never listen to the details of the trip. I didn't need to, I won't be applying.

After the assembly finished, me and Tommy left the hall to our law classes. Damon wasn't here today, I was getting a little worried.

I left him texts asking where he was but he hadn't answered. He must have left for something important and not took his phone.

Half way through the class it was halted when some of the trip people stopped by the door.

The lecturer was silently talking to them at the front when she suddenly called out my name. It made me jump and I looked at them shocked.

The whole class was looking at me. Some of them with confused looks, not knowing I even existed.

"Y-yes?" I silently asked.

"They're here for you, take your things." She simply said and moved back to her lecture screen.

I got up quickly, wanting to get everyones eyes off me and walked out the classroom to them.

The old CEO stood there hovering over me. He had his arms behind his back and stared at me with what can only be described as fascination.

"Mark, it's nice to meet you." He said with his voice low.

I internally cringed at how much he sounded like a pedophile, how was this guy allowed in a college. He had a bad vibe and I hope I don't have to be around him for too long.

"Uhm, what's this about?" I nervously asked with my hands gripping the sleeves of my oversized hoodie.

He smirked towards me. "You've been specially picked as a part time student for us. It is an amazing opportunity to see how a business is run. It only lasts 2 weeks and it will definitely boost your final mark in college." He said with so much enthusiasm.

I kept my face neutral, showing the littlest interest. "No thanks, bye." I replied with a monotone voice.

His face dropped to confusion and I couldn't help the small grin on my face.

I went to turn around but a hand gripped my arm.

I looked back at the old man, he seemed a little angry "how did yo-?" He started until I felt myself get pulled out the old mans grip into a cold chest.

"Fuck off." Damon's dark voice said towards the CEO and held me closer. I sunk into his hold, already beginning to feel safer.

I heard footsteps move away without a word and disappear out the college. I pulled away and looked at Damon but my face contorted to worry when I saw he didn't look well.

The skin around his eyes was red and looked the most pale i'd ever seen. "Damon, what's wrong?." I quickly asked cupping his face.

He pulled my hands away "i've got to get away." He mumbled and tried to walk away from me however he fell to knees from what looks like weakness.

I pulled him up and lead him towards the bathroom where he sat himself down next to the toilet. "Are you sick?" I asked while pulling his hair back.

He didn't answer.

"Please tell me." I said worriedly. It was then that I noticed the black veins on his neck "D-Damon?" I asked really confused. I put my hand to his forehead and he was as cold as ice.

I gasped "you're so cold." I whispered to myself.

Suddenly he leaned forward and threw up into the toilet, I patted his back with my eyebrows furrowed. His sick looked like thick oil, completely black. What is this?

Afterwards he leaned back and closed his eyes. I tapped him "are y-you feeling better?" I asked.

He didn't respond.

I straddled him so I could face him and get a better look at him. He looked...



ooooo saucy cliffhanger 🤫😂
Thanks to anyone still reading 🖤🖤

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