Chapter 14 🍷

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Mark's POV

Ever since I had basically got in a relationship with Damon, it seemed like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I faced every challenge head on and actually attended college every day! Crazy I know.

I even started to walk around without my hoodie because I was confident that I looked good. There was a reason why many people called me a 'pretty boy'. I looked in the mirror, my golden blonde hair was fairly long and I tucked a strand behind my ear. I hated having my hair short so I kept it long.

I had a full toothy smile and a sharp jawline to go with it. I never really looked at myself in the mirror much as all I ever saw was the eye bags and acne. However it seems all things I was insecure about, all vanished, even the acne.

What made it disappear though? Sex with Damon? Yeah definitely. Haha, only joking, but seriously what though?

I sat deep in thought at the back of the class, all I heard was the tap of my own pencil on the desk. Tommy had ditched for the first time in a long while (oh how the tables have turned).

So I sat alone staring at Damons handsome face as he spoke in front of the class. A little bit of drool fell on my hand as I noticed a smirk on his face. He knew I was staring and he knew I was aroused... vampire senses probably.

He has really good hearing so I felt my mischievous side get the best of me...

"I want you to fuck me hard daddy." I whispered very lowly.

For the first time ever he stuttered in the middle of his words to the class. His eyes were wide as he obviously heard what I said. I giggled to myself.

He quickly apologised to the class and continued what he was saying except I spy with my little eye something beginning with B.

Boner? You guessed right.

I giggled even more until he shot me a look before he reached his seat. He was clearly going to wreck me! Oh well, I get what I want anyway!

I sound like such a hoe.

When the lecture finished, I scuffled my way out the classroom, giggling as I did so. Everyone gave me weird looks but I didn't care, i'm trying to save my ass for a while.

I hid in the gym.

There is no better hiding spot for me!

When I entered I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see someone i've never seen before. A new student maybe?

"Uhhh hey." I awkwardly said. They gave me a playful smile "Hi i'm Vicky!" She said very loudly. It echoed throughout the gym.

I hushed her but then she turned serious and began to push me towards the wall. "What the fuck?" I said. I'm so confused about the whole situation.

"You like being dominated? Why don't you let me dominate you handsome?" She said seductively while looking straight into my eyes. She was looking at me with pure lust. Ewwwww


"H-Huh?" I began but was interrupted. "Damon doesn't deserve you sweetie. Not after what he did." She said while giggling evilly.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. She leaned in and pecked my lips before I could even react and I scrunched my nose in disgust, trying to push her away.

Why is everybody so fucking strong? Another fucking vampire?

She erupted in laughter at my reaction "it's a shame you're gay, well anyway, my sire told me I should tell you what Damon did." She said after her laughter.

I glanced at her confused as she released her grip on me and stepped back. "He killed your dad." She simply put while playing with her nails.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

No she's lying, she's got to be. How would Damon know my dad? Why would he even do that? He loves me too much to do something like that to me surely?

"He did it, he even signed the contract, see?" She said and handed me a piece of paper with Damons writing on. It's got to be forged! No, he wouldn't!

I felt my eyes swell with tears, my hands shook as I held the contract tight. It stated the way my father died and the date it was done...

Wait... this is one of the nights we...

My sadness turned to anger as I realised he fucked me on the night he killed my dad. While I laid in his bed, he killed me dad. The dad I hadn't seen for since I was 10... the dad i'll definitely never see again now.

I looked at Vicky and she was smirking in my direction but then her head tilted as if she heard something. "Oops, time to go." She said and ran off quickly.

My head turned to the noise of the gym door opening and Damon walking in quickly. He looked frantic and worried.

"Hey, I can sense your sadness and anger. What's wrong?" He asked. I looked at him with disgust but I couldn't find myself uttering a word. It pained me deeply at his betrayal, I couldn't even think straight.

I let more tears slip my eyes and Damons face held an even more confused look than before.

His eyes shifted to what was in my shaky hands and in a split second his eyes had widened in shock. "Mark, don't jump to conclusions please! Let me explain!." He pleaded but I didn't want to hear it right now.

I didn't want to look at him. So I ran.

I don't know where I was headed, hell I couldn't see which direction I was going with all the tears in my eyes. I could slightly hear Damon's shouts behind me telling me to stop but it was too muffled for me to even listen.

My thoughts were filled with "the man I love killed my father!" But questions of why clouded it which only fuelled my anger and heartbreak.

I ran until I couldn't... and then it all went black.


Do you reckon Mark is being dramatic or is it completely justified? 🤔🙃

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