Chapter 22 🍷

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes. 💖

Mark's POV

"Holy shit, did you rob a bank?" Tommy asked while seeing the contents of the suitcase. I shrugged "maybe, I don't remember." I replied and scratched my head. "Great, now i'm harbouring a fugitive." He said and dramatically threw his hands in the air.

I giggled at his weirdness but quickly closed my suitcase as his mother entered the room. "Oh Markus, it's been a while sweetie." She spoke with a kind smile. I nodded and returned the smile "not that long surely." I said, recalling how I stayed over not long ago.

At least that's what I remember.

"I was scared you'd fallen out or something when Tommy came home crying after hanging out with you." She added, still holding her smile.

I froze, Tommy cried?

I looked at him and he seemed tense, I don't remember having an argument with him.

"That was something else mom." Tommy said with his voice low. "Oh, well i'll get back to cooking dinner. Nice to see you Mark." She muttered. "Nice to see you." I replied before she left.

I immediately walked closer to Tommy "what happened dude?" I questioned, he was always so cheery, I had never seen the guy cry ever. He sighed "stupid drunken mistake, I barely remember it." He explained though he was looking at me guiltily.

I just hummed in response, trying not to pry.

He looked at me after a moment of silence "have you really lost your memory?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "Yes, I think but i'm not sure how much." I replied scratching my head.

"Well what's the last thing you remember?" Tommy sat down at the edge of his bed.

"Hmmm, well I caught the bus to college and then we went to class—." I started and tapped my chin in thought. "Well that's a bit vague but judging by the fact you haven't attended college in a month, I think your memory is fucked dude." Tommy responded, making my eyes widen.

"A m-month?" I stuttered.

He nodded "yep, i've had to tackle college on my own for a while."

I huffed "what the fuck have I been doing for a month then!?" I questioned, a little panicked. The pain in my head was growing a little bit, even with the pain killers I took once we arrived at his house.

"I couldn't tell you much. Just that your mother said that you ran off with your boyfriend." He answered but stood up, noticing my panicked state.

Tears threatened to spill from the panic, the fear of the unknown.

"I d-don't h-have a b-boyfriend." I stuttered just as Tommy pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back tightly, now letting some tears escape my eyes.

"Shhh, jesus Mark. What happened to you..." Tommy muttered under his breath as he ran a soothing hand up and down my back. After a few minutes of crying, I pulled away slightly as Tommy wiped away a few of my tears with his thumb.

"I'll try to help you. It's scary how you don't remember Damon guys were so close..." Tommy said with a soft voice and tucked a bit of my overgrown hair behind my ear.

"I can't see myself in love with someone Tommy, i'm such a loner." I replied with a small chuckle.

I let out a long sigh " were last time I checked."

I pressed my lips together, the thought of me being in love scared me...

Being so devoted to someone that I skipped college to run away with him? I could never, could I?

And what's with this sudden pain in my chest?

I looked up at Tommy's worried face "i'm okay, I guess it's for the best? College is important to me, now I can get back on track." I stated with the best smile I could muster.

He gave me a small nod in reply, his hand still not pulled away from my waist. I notice now that we had been stood so close so I stepped away, a faint blush on my cheeks.

He shook his head a little with a small laugh "you must be hungry after all that crying, come on." He said, lightening the mood. I smiled and nodded, following him out of his room to the dining room.

"Oh boys, I was just about to call you down stairs, you read my mind." His mother said as she spotted us walking down the stairs. "Our stomachs spoke for you." Tommy replied and patted his belly.

We all sat down eating after that, I was so hungry that I ate mine in under 5 minutes. "I'll gladly have Markus over again, he appreciates my cooking unlike some." Tommy's mother said with a wide smile.

"Thanks for the food." I said, picking up the plate so I could wash it myself. "Oh Mark put it down, don't be silly." She tried to stop me. I shook my head "it's not a bother." I replied and continued my way to the kitchen.

After dinner, me and Tommy went back to his room, both of us sitting on the bed.

"So what do you plan to do?" Tommy asked as he pulled out a card game for us to play. He shuffled out the cards "just going to attend college if they haven't already kicked me out." I muttered, focusing on my cards.

"I don't think they have, yet. Shocking since you barely attended anyway." He said with a laugh and slapping a card down onto the bed in front of us.

"Ah hah!" I said, pulling out my own card and slapping it onto the bed too. (AN: I have no idea what game they're playing, just putting random stuffs XD. Uno maybe?)

Tommy huffed and picked out a new card to add to his own cards "this game is dumb." He stated, looking at his new card.

I rolled my eyes "just because you're losing." I replied with a chuckle and placed another card down. He huffed again and added another card to his own while I laughed at him.

"I don't want to play anymore, want to sleep." He said with a babyish tone. "You're the one who brought the card game out, you just don't like it when you're losing." I sated and watched how he turned his back to me and climbed in bed.

I rolled my eyes again and put the cards away, climbing into the bed with him. "Fine, let's sleep." I mumbled.

After a long silence, Tommy finally spoke again.

"Mark?" He said, rolling over to look at me. I giggled "yes Tommy?"

His eyes looked reluctant about what he was about to say, biting his lip a little nervous. I leaned up on my elbow "what's wrong Tommy?" I questioned, there's definitely something bothering him.

He let out a soft breath "how did y-you know you were...g-gay?"

His eyes finally met mine as a lump formed in my throat from the random question. I cleared my throat "uhm, I just knew...I guess the dreams I had about men were also evidence..." I answered with a small chuckle at the end.

He hummed without a proper response.

"W-Why?" I was nervous to ask but did so anyway. He seemed to tense up from the question "j-just wondering." He responded and rolled back over on the bed.


Strange. My gaydar just went off...

Sorry for the boring chapter :(
Guess I gotta spice things up 😏

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