Chapter 17 🍷

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Mark's POV

The thumping in my head had me glued to bed sheets and this lead me to conclude; hangovers are fucking torture!

I grumbled at my discomfort and I felt Damon wrap his arms around me from behind. He pressed a kiss into my neck "morning." He said quietly into my ear.

Feeling little energy to speak, I just hummed in response.

I heard him lightly chuckle "you really shouldn't get that that drunk again." He said letting his hands caress my waist.

I just hummed again but decided to talk "you're cold." I said, all while keeping my eyes closed.

"Sorry." He immediately said and went to move away from me.

I grabbed his wrist before he could do so "no you should feed." I said and pulled him close again.

"I don't thin-." He started but I interrupted him. "Damon I don't mind, just feed, you know it makes me feel good."

"Okay then." He replied.

He placed a long kiss at my jaw and traced them down to my neck. Just when I thought he would bite, his hand slipped into my boxers and I gasped at the contact. "D-Damon?"

"You did something bad last night." He said with a deepened voice unlike his own. My eyes were wide now and looking at his serious face.

His thumb traced the slit of my member as his touch made my brain go all fuzzy.

"W-what?" I questioned shakily.

"Letting another man kiss you like that, kiss what's mine." He said with his breath fanning my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

"H-huh?, t-that wasn't y-you?" I questioned confused, i'm pretty sure it was him. Or wait... everything was so blurry.

"No." He replied still using a dominating voice.

Not a second later he ripped my shirt away and began leaving love bites all over my chest leaving a trail down to my throbbing member.

I was left a moaning mess, wanting to be eagerly touched more. I felt him press two fingers into me and my face scrunched up in pain.

"G-go a bit slower Damon." I pleaded with him, seeing how his face remained neutral.

He ignored me by adding another finger, adding to the stretch and pain. I gritted my teeth and gripped the bedsheets just hoping that the pain goes away.

Damon had my legs gripped wide apart while his digits kept disappearing deep into my hole.

I suddenly jolted in pleasure as Damon's fingers hit my prostate "right there!" I said letting out a moan.

I saw him smirk and after hitting the bundle of nerves a few times, he removed his fingers, with me letting out a whine of disapproval. "Tell me what you want." His deep voice rang out.

"Ah, Damon please fuck me!" I begged feeling my body on fire with lust.

I was feeling empty now and I wanted him inside me. He smirked "you love my dick deep inside you." He said while unbuckling his belt.

"Yesss! Damon I want you." I desperately said, my pre cum was already leaking.

"On you hands and knees love." He ordered and I complied immediately, rolling over onto my knees.

I had barely got onto my hands when he pushed his member deep into me. I let out a long moan, gripping onto the bed sheets once again.

"Fuck, how are you still so tight." He grunted, gripping onto my waist.

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