Chapter 20 🍷

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Mark's POV

This was the third hotel that Damon had brought me too, it didn't take long for Jimmy to catch up with us. Over this time, he had tried to explain in detail what exactly a sire bond is.

It terrified me.

Damon had insisted on fetching me food earlier and when the hotel door opened and shut, a warm smile overtook my face.

I took in his face and gasped "your eyes, they're back to normal." I said, happy to feel his actual gaze on me. Where were his glasses though? "Yeah, I guess we escaped." He stated and returned the smile.

It was missing warmth though.

He moved closer to me and went to kiss me but I chirped in "where's the food?" I asked innocently, I was actually hungry. He chuckled "the hotel staff will bring it." He replied as if it was an obvious answer. But he said he will bring it? He didn't trust anyone around me at the moment.

"Okay." I mumbled.

His hands rested on my waist and I looked up at him, his face looked smug. "Is there something wrong?" He asked me, pulling me flush against his chest. "N-no." I stuttered.

His hand raised up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear "so beautiful." He complimented and my cheeks tinted red. His hand caressed my cheek while I looked into his eyes.

There's something definitely wrong.

Instead of love in his eyes, I saw an evil glint.

I screeched when he tightly grabbed a hold my jaw, chuckling as he did so. "D-damon?" I whimpered as I tried pushing away. "Beautiful indeed." He muttered again, tightening his hold.

The hotel door flung open moments later and there stood another Damon, looking horrified. "Kneel." A deep demanding voice said and let go of my jaw.

I groaned in pain, and watched as the man morphed into someone who looked completely different. Tears threatened to fall as I watched Damon kneel without second thought, a look of dread as he looked at me.

"It's been so long Damon, how are you?" The man, who we can establish being Jimmy, asked. He made himself comfy, sitting himself on the edge of the bed, looking between me and Damon.

Instead of answering the question, Damon didn't remove his gaze from mine, tears were forming in his eyes.

"Oh, my handsome Damon." Jimmy sadistically voiced, letting his hand reach out and feel my hair. Damon looked like he was internally screaming, a battle which was unseen to normal eyes. "You knew I would catch up eventually, and you've prepared a meal." He added as his hand lifted up my chin.

I removed my eyes from Damon's terrified ones and looked up at the male with hatred.

This is the man who made Damon's life hell. Jimmy analysed my face and he looked at me with a wide smile "you know he won't move from that spot." He said to me.

I nervously nibbled my lip, I knew that.

In under a second I was pressed against the wall with a hand around my neck, an evil chuckle coming from the sire's mouth. I was breathing heavily, panicking from the pressure on my neck.

Even though it was useless, I was trying to pull his hand away, whimpering from the pain. I let out a disgusted noise as I felt his tongue run up the side of my cheek. "Cute, I wonder how you taste." He smirked at my scared look.

I know how painful a bite is...

He forced me to look at Damon "look at him, so weak, just watching me place my hands all over you." He said with a laugh and suddenly let his hand rest on my ass.

"N-no." I stuttered.

Damon had the look of anger on his face yet tears still streamed down his face.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled, still trying to fight off his hold on me. Jimmy seemed more excited "I like it when they resist sweetheart." He whispered to me and then forced his lips onto mine.

My scream of disgust was silenced by his mouth but he pulled away a second later, my body dropping to the floor. God I looked weak. Damon was kneeling but his whole body was shaking with anger, he was in pain. He had managed to shuffle forward a little bit but going against his sire must take a lot of power.

"I'm glad you found your fated one Damon, he must taste divine. However since you are mine, I won't allow his presence, too much of a distraction. He'll make you weak in the long run." Jimmy spat, looking down at me. Was he going to kill me?

"Please don't k-kill him." Damon's voice was small, his head cowering in submission. Jimmy chuckled "hmmm since you said please, I won't kill the human." He said and ruffled Damon's long hair. His eyes suddenly lit up "I know what i'll do." He stated with a smirk.

His heavy steps landed near me again, pulling me off the floor. I whimpered from the tight grip, hands trembling since I don't know what he was about to do. "Look into my eyes." He spoke with a deep voice. I refused, keeping my eyes cast down, not knowing what he was doing.

He grabbed a hold of my jaw, and I looked up with fear, eyes meeting his dark ones. I found myself entranced, falling into a black hole in my mind where I had no control.


My feet were planted on the beautiful oak floors, a modern interior house that radiated warmth and love surrounded me. It was what I envisioned my future to be, a family home. Children's laughter, christmas songs, log fires and lots of memories scattered all over the wall. I wanted to explore it knowing that every single room in this house made me feel loved.

Why couldn't I move?

I called out for Damon, I guess I saw my life with him... I got no answer. He wasn't here. Loud footsteps sounded behind me but before I could see who it was, I was harshly grabbed. I screamed while the dragged my weight so easily across the floor, such a home such not bear violence.

I fought with all my might, scratching at the fists that held onto my clothes so tightly but to no avail. I pushed out through the front door, landing with a loud thud and pained groan. I turned to see who was there but I saw no one. My eyes widened when the front door slammed shut, the sound of it locking up afterwards. I jumped to my feet and tried the handle, it not budging an inch while I eagerly tried pushing it open.

I have to get back in there!

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