Chapter 19 🍷🔥💖

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Mark's POV:

I pulled the hotel covers closer to my chest, humming in content as I tried to sleep an extra half an hour. "I have breakfast." I heard Damon's voice suddenly as a door clicked shut. My belly rumbled in response and I sighed knowing that I won't get that extra half an hour.

Hands snaked their way around my waist as I felt a kiss get pressed to the back of my neck. I couldn't help the smile I had afterwards.

"I got a lot of funny looks when fetching you that breakfast, you better enjoy it love." Damon said as he leaned over and gave my lips a light peck.

"Gross, I haven't even brushed my teeth." I said and scrunched my face up playfully. I sat up and looked towards the breakfast as Damon chuckled to himself.

Damon still had his black eyes, he explained it's a sign that Jimmy is tracking him if they are involuntarily black. I still got goosebumps when I looked him in the eyes, dread took over despite my deep love for him.

I started eating, savouring the taste.

While I sat at the end of bed eating, Damon had already wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

I found his new clingy actions to be cute yet I felt uneasy.

Was he like this because he was scared?

He pressed a kiss into my neck while I finished the last bite to my breakfast.

"Do we need to move again?" I asked him and turned, noticing his worried face. He was deep in thought though, still holding me tightly.

"Is he close?" I asked and this time he looked at me, a tear forming at his dark eyes.

I gasped and quickly shifted our position so I had better access, wiping his tear away. "D-Damon." My sad tone evident.

"He's teasing me, giving me dreams of him..." he trailed off and tucked his face into my neck.

I held him tightly now.

I hadn't realised he was having nightmares, godammit Mark! So fucking self absorbed to notice my boyfriend is suffering.

Now I wanted to cry. I just bit my lip and rubbed his back soothingly.

"I-It's just dreams Damon, it won't happen... whatever it is." I tried reassuring.

He didn't respond, just took a deep breath, inhaling my scent. Does he need blood?

Of course he fucking does, I mentally facepalmed. He hadn't drank blood since we fucked, the thought of escaping being his main priority.

"Are you thirsty?" I questioned after a while of him just nosing the dip in my neck. "Yeah." He replied and rested a hand on my thigh, a smirk now resting on his lips.

I rolled my eyes "not that type of thirsty, have some blood Damon." I said and moved my head so he had more space. "Can't I quench both my thirsts?" He questioned as his hand moved closer to my now growing tent. "I don't know... c-can you?" I breathily replied.

I bit my lip when I noticed he was practically eye fucking me. My breath hitched as he palmed me through my pyjama shorts and I grasped onto his shoulders for support.

He pushed me down onto the bed, attaching our lips as he did so.

Our tongues mingled together and I suppressed a moan when he immediately won the dominance. I went to touch his hardened member that rested on my thigh but I whined when my arm was pulled away. He interlocked our fingers and pressed my arms down as he attacked my neck with love bites. "Ah." I breathed out.

I shuddered as his mouth met my collarbone, nibbling and marking the area.

"P-please." I whined in his ear, making him groan. I tried moving my arms but to no avail, he held me down with so much strength. "D-Damon." I stuttered his name. He suddenly rocked his hips into me, giving me the friction I need. He finally released one of my arms and relieved me of my boxes, my member leaking pre-cum.

He shuffled down and immediately took me in his mouth, I bucked my hips and released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Both my arms were free now as he held onto my waist, longing for more, my fingers tangled their way into Damon's long hair.

As he bobbed his head, the heat pooled into my stomach and I let out a long moan. "F-fuck, d-damon." I panted as I couldn't control the bucking of my hips. He didn't gag once though, and didn't complain when I suddenly came, the orgasm so intense.

"Dam-." I started to talk but practically screamed in pleasure once I felt his fangs sink into my neck. I'm pretty sure I heard his gulps, he usually took his time. He tenderly caressed my waist as he satiated his hunger, making me relax in his touch. My breathing was heavy as he retracted his fans and placed a kiss there "mine, you're mine." I heard him say. "Not his." He added.

I smiled at a little shaky as I was still coming down from my high "y-yours." I said in response.

He picked me up like I was weightless and ran to the bathroom in less than a second. I gasped in his neck as I didn't expect him to do that.

He leaned in and kissed me, the taste of iron still being present in his mouth. I moaned when I felt a wet finger tease my rim "uh, just fuck me already Damon." I bravely whined.

I saw him smirk as he pushed his finger in "like this?" He questioned.

"M-more." I breathily said as I gripped on to him. He entered a second but it soon became a third as he worked me open. His fingers retracted and he leaned me against the wall, using my legs to keep me up. It was such a hot position, I could climax just at the look of Damon's dominating face. He placed lube on his dick and slowly entered me while I hissed from the stretch.

"S-shit." He moaned out as I became full with him. He placed a loving kiss on my nose and began to move his hips, slowly at first. As soon as he heard my moan from him suddenly hitting my prostate, he increased his rate. "Ah, D-damon, yes right there." I moaned out as my head flung back from the pleasure rippling through me. He practically growled and his thrusts became animalistic as his grip tightened on me.

A sudden, harsh slap landed on my ass as the heat was becoming too much. "I'm g-gonna cum." I panted as I felt my legs turning to jelly. "Cum for me." His deep voice ordered, sending me over the edge.

I did so, cumming for the second time today, all over my chest. After a few more thrusts, I felt his heat pool into me making me feel so full. I was trembling in his arms as he pressed a longing kiss on my shoulder when he pulled his dick out.

"I love you." I said and happily smiled at him. "I love you too, so much." He replied as he gently let my feet touch the floor again. My legs felt a little stiff from the position he had me in as well as my ass feeling so sore. I must have winced and he noticed "are you okay? Was I too rough?" He asked , worried eyes gazing into mine. I bit my lip "n-no i'm okay, need a shower though." I said as I felt his warm cum threatening to spill from my ass all over the hotel bathroom.

I giggled when I was suddenly scooped up, his strong arms supporting my weight again.

"Round 2?"


I think my writing style has changed idk..
I spent months away from this story and I hope its not ruined it :(

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