Chapter 1 🍷

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The POV switches between two characters so the story gets put across better.


Mark's POV

I couldn't stand mornings, much like everybody, I didn't want to leave my bed. Ever since my dad left, I just didn't bother getting out of bed. Well, I didn't bother with a lot of things. I just didn't have the mental strength to.

Ah, I forgot to introduce myself before I got into my deep thoughts. My name is Marcus but everyone calls me Mark. I go to college studying law and i'm 18. Well, i'll be attending college when I can actually get up and take care of myself.

Right now I was getting ready to catch the bus for college, this was one of the days where I actually got up. I shoved my phone in my back pack, sighing as I did so. My overgrown blonde hair fell onto my cheek as I pulled the bag onto my shoulder.

I yanked my hoodie over my head and moved the hair out of my eyes "I can't be fucking bothered." I murmured to myself as I went to walk out the front door.

I hadn't even left the house and I felt dejected.

I walked into the cold autumn breeze and locked the door behind me, putting the keys in my pocket. I made my way to the bus stop which was luckily only around the corner and waited in the cold.

Not long after I was on the bus staring out into the dull streets. Young school kids were jumping around the bus and being loud, making me sink into my seat. I yanked out my ear phones and listened to classical music, it calmed me.

Once i'd reached the college, I made my way to my first class. I only had two classes today but they decided to make one of them first thing in the morning. I walked to the back of the room and sat myself down in my usual spot, hidden from the teacher. They seemed to love picking on me when I didn't know the fucking answer.

"Bloody hell, you actually came this month." A voice said from my right. I turned my head to them, it was Tommy, the only person who would actually talk to me. He was a bit of a loner too. "Yeah, got my mum breathing down my neck." I replied quietly.

Even after knowing him for months, I still spoke shyly. I pulled my laptop from my bag and placed it onto the table. "Someone else joined our class while you were gone, all the girls drool over him. Now i've got no chance." Tommy said and pouted.

I looked at him "well as long as he doesn't bother me, I don't care." I murmured. He laughed "I think you'll be fine Mark, he sits right at the front, he won't notice you- shit." He suddenly said making me flinch. "What?" I asked him. "Dude he's staring at us." He said.

My eyes widened "h-he's s-staring?" I stuttered while cowering my head. I hated getting attention of strangers. "Yeah, look at him." He replied and nodded his head towards the front.

I moved my head in the direction he said and made eye contact with him. My eyes were then drawn to the long black hair that looked well kept, it was unusual but it suited him. He had a few piercings which complimented his face and wore mostly black.

I noticed the smirk playing on his face... shit he caught me staring back at him. He knew I was checking him out. I snapped my eyes back to Tommy who also seemed to have a knowing look on his face, he was the only one who knew I was gay.

"You look like every other girl in this class. Oh! Look at the drool on your chin." Tommy said. I rolled my eyes and put my attention onto my laptop. Shit, what's my fucking password?

I slammed my laptop shut and pulled out a notebook instead. This day just gets shittier.

The teacher walked in and began the lesson.

————————-Time Skip————————

I had walked to the library after the lesson, hoping to do some research and catch up on all the shit i'd missed. Tommy had followed me up saying his other friends ditched him.

I found a book on law that I could read up on, and sat myself at a table near a window. Tommy sat there talking about some argument he had with his sister while I tried to concentrate on my book.

He was being annoying but I didn't want to shout at my only friend. So I just put up with it like I just put up with life. Deep, I know.

He then started to tap my arm "Mark, you know when I said there was a new person? Yeah I meant a whole group of people joined other classes." He said gaining my attention.

"Yeah?" I questioned him. I put my book down "a bunch of people joined the college at once and formed like 3 different friendship groups." He added "i've been trying to chat up this new girl but she gives me the death glare every time." He smirked. I looked at him and crinkled my nose.

"They're a bit weird but some of them are nice. The one in our class is just a player so stay in away from him Mark." He stated. I nodded "he's not even my type, he kind of scares me." I admitted.

Tommy laughed "well that's a good enough reason to stay away from him. But not your type? You were gawking at him!" He said and threw his head back laughing more.

"SHHHH!" A lady came to our table holding her finger to her lip and shushing us. Tommy quickly apologised and she left. "Now that was definitely a Karen!" He whispered. I rolled my eyes again, a little embarrassed.

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw someone move to sit on the table behind mine. I shivered feeling their stare at me. Tommy had started to rummage through his bag looking for chocolate.

I tried to distract myself with the law book but I could feel they were intensely staring. Can't they just fuck off?

I decided I was going to leave and get some fresh air, maybe even ditch the second class. I stood up, closing my book as I did so and throwing my bag on my shoulder. Tommy followed suit and shoved the rest of his chocolate in his back pack.

I placed my book back on the shelf and turned my head back towards the tables hoping to catch a glimpse of the creep. No one was sat there, they must have moved quickly once I stood up.

I really can't be bothered with this shit. "Come on Tommy, i'll buy us brunch." I said as we walked out the library. "YES!" He replied excited for free food.

"What we having?" Tommy questioned a moment later. "I don't know, McDonald's?" I asked. He nodded with approval. "Any reason for the random generosity of buying me food? You crushing on me?" He questioned and wiggled his eyebrows.

I elbowed him "ew, no." I answered and scrunched my nose with disgust. He held his arm where I elbowed him "ouch, i'm not that bad am I?" He asked and pouted.

I didn't answer and began to walk faster, beginning to ponder on why someone would be staring at me. It's not like they can get a good look at me, I hide my face with my hoodie. It's like they can see through it.

I don't like being in the spotlight and I seem to have caught someone's attention.


New story, hope you enjoy :)

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