Chapter 7 🍷

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Mark's POV

I couldn't sleep, my mind kept flashing to what happened earlier today. It made my stomach fill with butterflies as I felt addicted to him. After tossing and turning for most of the night I finally fell into a deep sleep.

But little did I know what I would see in my dreams.

In the dream:
I was dressed smartly and walking around the streets to get to work. It didn't look right though, it's as if I had gone back in time, everything around me was old fashioned.

I was taking a short cut today as i'd woken up later than usual. My little sister had kept me up late from the night before, she was disabled so she needed me.

I was using the ally way's that we were told not to use due to a serial killer going around but I bet if I ran through it wouldn't be a problem. I turned down a dark one even though it was day and the only sound I heard was the echo from my shoes.

I came to a sudden halt when I saw the silhouette of a man at the exit of the alley. I furrowed my eyebrows "how goes your day good sir?" I asked politely. I edged a little closer hoping this wasn't the serial killer that everybody spoke of.

They didn't answer but were suddenly up close to me in a split second. I gasped and tried to run but he grabbed me by my throat lifting me up the wall. How is he this strong?

"Today's your lucky day." The man said while digging their nails into my neck. It really didn't feel like a lucky day. I whimpered in pain as blood flowed down my neck.

He then did something unexpected... he bit my neck.

I screamed at the sharpness of his teeth. I was pushing him and squirming to get away as tears pooled at my eyes.

He unlatched himself from my neck and smirked at me as if I was a piece of art to him. He then bit his own wrist making my eyes widen as he brought his wrist to my mouth. "Open your mouth." He ordered.

What the fuck is this? Blood drinking club?

I refused to open my mouth so he gripped my jaw tightly, forcing my mouth to open. His disgusting black blood entered my mouth and it felt like it was burning down my throat. It was like acid.

I screamed from the pain, it was even worse than than the bite. He pulled his wrist back laughing evilly at my pain. I fell to the floor once he let go off me gripping my throat.

My eyes had become to get heavy as I was about to pass out from the feeling of my whole body burning. The man kneeled next to me "oh, i'm Jimmy by the way." He said with a grin right before darkness consumed me. Literally.

End of dream.

I jolted up from by screaming frantically as tears were already falling down my face. I was gripping my blanket tightly, that was the worse dream i've ever had.

My mother bolted into my room looking at my distressed look. "Marcus..." she quietly muttered with a sympathetic look. She knew I must have had a terrible dream.

I pulled my legs to my chest as she sat and hugged me quietly letting me calm down. This dream has got to have something to do with me being attacked in the forest.

I just don't understand any of it yet.

—————————Time Skip————————

I enter college at a slow pace, my head hurt from the night before. It was a little scary that I remembered the dream like a memory.

I felt someone throw their arm around me and I hissed at the sudden contact. "Woww dude, how much did you drink last night?" Tommy asked.

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