Chapter 16 🍷

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Mark's POV

I could really do with downing a shot of vodka right now. I wanted to feel something other than this fear, anger and sadness I had.

It's like I had risen from the depths just to come crashing down even harder. Why do these things keep happening to me?

I woke up earlier to find myself buried in the covers of a bed with Damon, he had me held close to him as he slept too. I let it happen though, he must have been the one to rescue me.

I shuffled to try to move away but a sharp pain in my ass had me silently groaning. Apparently that was enough to wake up Damon. Shit.

"Don't move too suddenly, I can carry you Mark." He said with a worried tone "Don't touch me." I replied bitterly, not even looking at him.

I made an attempt to move again but Damon grabbed my arm and pulled me underneath him. I widened my eyes and tried to push him away. "Fuck off Damon, I don't want to be near you!" I shouted.

His face held sadness for a moment but he kept his hold on me "No!" He shouted back. "I'm not letting you go! You're not alone anymore!" He continued with a determined face.

I still struggled for a while until I felt drained of my energy. I was in pain but I kept trying to shuffle my way out and in the end it was of no use.

I felt the tears begin to spill on the pillow below me.

Damon leaned in and kissed corners of my eyes where the tears were falling. "Don't push me away Mark, I love you. Please trust me." Damon said into my ear as he buried his face into my neck.

He rested his body on top of mine, wanting to be closer as he left a longing kiss on my neck.

I hate everything that's happened. And I hate that I still feel this way.

"I-I love you too." I murmured as my voice felt tired from the shouting. He reacted by holding me tighter, clearly relieved by my words.

"Let me heal you Mark, I can't stand to see you in pain." Damon said to me after a while of silent cuddling. He raised his head to look at me and I moved my blood shot eyes to stare at the ceiling.

I nodded my head a little to give him permission to heal me.

I felt his hand shift from my waist to between my legs as a stray tear fell onto the pillow. I spread my legs wider to give him easier access and I groaned in pain at the littlest movement.

"Pain will be gone soon love." Damon reassured.

His hand slipped into my boxers, immediately slipping a finger into my abused hole. I let out a little screech from the suddenness but at the same moment the pain disappeared.

I let out a relieved breath "better?" Damon questioned me. I nodded and showed a small smile.

Damon retracted his hand and gave me an even bigger smile back. He then lifted my shirt to reveal a few bruises, I didn't even realise I had.

I must have got them when he harshly grabbed me and threw me about. Damon leaned in and pressed a kiss to the bruise next to my bellybutton. I suppressed a small moan knowing that he just wanted to heal me.

After everything that's happened I don't want to be angry with with Damon. We just gravitate towards each other and i'm sick of crying.

As Damon was pulling my shirt back down respectfully, I pulled him towards me again and into a passionate kiss.

He hesitated for a moment but was soon responding to my kiss. He plunged his tongue into my mouth wanting to explore every inch.

It was very wet and sloppy but passionate nonetheless.

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