Chapter 8 🍷

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Damon's POV

I was on a hunt.

Not just any hunt. I was on a hunt for Mark's ass.

After the lecture he had run off knowing I was going to destroy him if I got my hands on him.

He should have thought it through before giving me that 'problem' in class.

I will let him go for now though, he's just delaying it really. I decided to go feed instead, I was starting to feel colder and Mark would notice if I went cold.

As I walked around the college, the other vampires had begun to eye me wearily. I guess that sire finally got the message and is controlling his creations.

It was like he was building an army by turning so many vampires. I had been a vampire for longer and I haven't turned anybody yet.

I guess I just didn't want people to live the life that I have. Miserable.

However, being around Mark has given me purpose.

I had left the college and walked into the forest, beginning to sniff out any blood or spot any trails. I hadn't been out long when an ominous atmosphere overtook the forest. The warm rays that seeped through the tree's had disappeared, replaced by a dull sky.

A fog was pooling at the floor and I let out a breath of annoyance. "For fuck sake Kiera." I mumbled and clicked my fingers, pushing the fog away.

Kiera Trick, a 192 year old vampire, wouldn't stop trying to get in my pants. She just can't seem to understand I don't want her crusty looking pussy.

She stepped out of the thick fog "missed me baby?" She asked and pouted. "Not really." I answered with a cold tone.

"Oh really, it's been 2 years, i've missed you loads." She said edging closer. Her nails were sharp and her fangs were always out, she was the type to never hide that she was a vampire.

Her sharp nails could not be hidden though, they grow like that when we over drink blood.

"I thought I told you that I never want to see your face again." I said and gave her a death glare.

"Wow, chill out. I only came here because I think you might want to know something interesting but I guess not." She said while holding her hands in surrender.

I furrowed my eyebrows "something interesting?" I questioned. She giggled and looked away.

"Well i'm willing to tell you for something in exchange." She said in a whiny voice. I rolled my eyes, she's going to want something sexual.

I smirked and her face dropped and turned to confusion. "I'll find out on my own, bye." I said giving her a side glance and turning to walk away.

I heard her stomp her foot "can't you see how beautiful I am! I have every other vampire wanting to fuck me but the one person I want always tells me to fuck off!" She said with her voice cracking as she began to cry.

She did this every time, trying to guilt trip me into liking her. "Go find someone else to fuck Kiera." I said before jumping through my own mist and landing in the college bathrooms.

I sighed, guess i'll have to wait to feed, i've lasted 3 weeks without blood before. I got extremely weak but then I managed to get blood again.

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