Chapter 9 🍷

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Mark's POV:

⚠️warning; smut.

I had my legs wrapped tightly around Damon's waist as he began sucking on my neck, leaving love bites. We had immediately jumped on his bike and went to his apartment, we hadn't even made it to his bedroom yet...

He walked us to the bedroom door and kicked it open. In a split second I had my back flat against his bed with his leg pressing in between mine.

He pulled away from my neck and attacked my lips instead, immediately using his tongue to explore my mouth. I breathed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I let out a small gasp, he felt cold.

I moved my hands to his clothes, letting my hand move under his shirt. He let out a small moan when I felt his abs, he must love my touch?

He felt so cold though.

He began to leave a trail of kisses on my face and eventually made eye contact with me. He smirked and moved away.

I looked at him confused but then he flipped me over onto my stomach and pulled me onto my knees. I leaned on my elbows "D-Damon." I silently moaned out when he began to palm me through my trousers.

"You're already so hard." He huskily said.

He unzipped my trousers and yanked both them down as well as my boxes. I yelped at the sudden air hitting my bare skin. He let his hands grip my waist and he pressed his bulge against my ass, I bit my lip in anticipation.

He leaned over, pulling my shirt off me and began to trail kisses down my back, I moaned at the contact. He had already made me become so undone already.

I gripped the bed sheets when he started to use his tongue to lube my hole. I wasn't expecting that.

He used his hand to squeeze my ass and then replaced his tongue with a finger. I did a whiny moan when he immediately hit my sweet spot.

"You tasted so good." He said and pushed a second finger in.

I whimpered a little at the stretch, he kissed my back and pulled his fingers out.

I looked back him and he'd gone to some drawers and pulled out some lube. Thank god.

I moved onto my back and he immediately climbed between my legs. I latched my hands on his belt, undoing it and yanking his trousers and boxers down.

He looked down at me amused "someone's impatient." He said and smirked. I wrapped my hand around his dick and it wiped the smirk off his face.

I took the lube from his hand and put it all over his member and he didn't waste time entering me. He gasped and dug his face into my neck.

I placed my hand on his lower back and hissed at the stretch, I forgot how big he was. He moved and slammed back in at a fast pace.

He eventually hit my prostate and I was a moaning mess beneath him. I arched my back when he began to press kisses to my chest. I gripped his hair when he began to nibble and bite at me.

He put his hands on my waist and spun us around without even pulling out. I was on top and riding him even though my legs were feeling weak from the pleasure.

I rested my hand on his stomach " ah fuck." He said and gripped my waist tighter. I shuddered and scratched at his stomach as his cock kept going deeper inside me.

"Y-you're so d-deep." I breathlessly muttered. Damon sat up and captured my lips in a kiss. I moaned into it letting my hands rest on his shoulders still slowly bouncing on his dick.

He rolled us back over and fucked into me hard, I let out a loud moan into his ear as he kept hitting my sweet spot. "Fuck, Damon." I moaned.

My toes curled as I came onto my stomach, breathing heavily and moaning with the overstimulation. I felt him cum inside me soon after with a grunt and collapse onto me.

I pressed kisses onto his shoulder as I hugged him close. "Ass equals destroyed." I whispered into his ear. I felt him smile against my neck "you think i'm done?" He asked.

My face contorted to confusion. What does he mean?

His hands wrapped around me and he pulled us up from the bed and into the bathroom. He still hadn't even pulled his dick out of me.

He turned on the shower and walked straight into while it was cold. "Shit Damon, it's fucking cold." I said and struggled against him. He pulled out of me and let me onto my feet; I hissed at the pain from the sudden movement.

Luckily the shower went warm and I wrapped my arms around him.

He didn't hug back though.

He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back so i'd look at him. My mouth widened at the action "Damon?" I questioned.

"Bend over." He ordered with a deep voice.

I did so immediately without even questioning it. Why do I keep doing that?

He started cleaning me but as soon as he was done he entered me again. I moaned and it echoed throughout the bathroom.

He went slow almost teasing me, I moved my hand to my dick to stroke myself but he immediately gripped my wrist tightly and moved it back to the wall. "You're not allowed to touch yourself love." He whispered into my ear.

"P-Please, harder." I whimpered wanting release.

He wrapped his arm around my body and gripped my neck. I let out a breathy moan when he increased his pace, letting his dick hit my prostate.

The sound of skin slapping increased and the sounds of our moans could probably be heard by the whole apartment complex.

He pressed a kiss into my neck and came at the same time I did. I went to fall on my knees from feeling weak but he kept me stood up.

He pulled out and I whimpered from the pain.

He cleaned us both and placed me into the bed where I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Wattpad was acting up so I couldn't update for a while but it's working noww 🥺😇🖤

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