Chapter 23 🍷

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Damon's POV

"Oh how I love having you back, my precious creation!" Jimmy spoke with excitement while I kept my gaze on the passing buildings. Tears still consistently left my eyes in silence while all I could focus on was the pain in my heart.

He looked at me for help.

He was right in front if me in that hotel room yet so far...

And when his eyes showed no recognition when he looked at me, I felt my heart get ripped out through no fault of his own. He's forgotten me.

Long forgotten are the delicate touches as we couldn't keep our hands off each other. He's long forgotten the promises and secrets we exchanged, driven by trust and fondness for the other. The mumbling of 'I love you' every chance we got despite words not being enough to show.

Jimmy had took away the one thing I truly lived for.

"Look at me." His deep voice resonated at the back of the car. I couldn't help the movement of my head, turning to see his dark gaze on me. "It was silly of you to think you can stay away from me Damon, you are mine! I made you! You are to do as I say." He argued.

I scoffed.

"For how long are you going to be obsessed with me sire?" I cynically asked him, gaze not leaving his eyes.

It was true that he was obsessed, he had turned others into vampires over the years yet he would let them go after a certain amount of time. I have been with him the longest...except when I was kept in that cave.

He let out a sinister chuckle.

"How can it be called obsession when you belong to me? Huh? I'll definitely be keeping you since I have every right to." He replied with a firm tone.


"I have plenty for you to do these days." He added with a smirk. I groaned, still wiping away some tears in my eyes. Mark must be so scared right now, finding himself in a hotel with no recollection of how he got there.

Oh god, how will he get home?

I dug my nails into my palm, oblivious to the words that my sire is speaking right now. It wasn't until I felt a nudge on my arm that I finally looked into his expecting eyes.

"What?" I asked with a small voice.

He seemed shaken for a second but pulled a stoic look a moment later. "I said, get out we're here." He said with his commanding tone.

I did so without question.

Wait, he commanded me earlier and it didn't work? How did I even resist? Even if I didn't hear exactly what he said, my body should have moved on it's own. The amount of times i've been asleep and suddenly awake is stupid, he loved to see me suffer at his command.

He huffed and followed me out the car, fixing the suit he was wearing. We had arrived at a mansion, the look was very tropical yet my gut told me that this house wasn't what it looked like. I wanted so badly to rub for the hills or teleport as soon as he looked away yet my mind was screaming at me to obey my sire.

"Let's go inside shall we? Let's not keep them waiting." My sire said pushing my forward slightly while I glared back at him. Of course in all these years he would make new friends and now i'm forced to meet them. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the front door though they flew open before I could reach them...

"Oh, Damon!" A squeaky, high pitched voice spoke.

Oh hell no.


"It's been so long." Her voice was steady now, not as high pitched. I glared at her rather than replying, hatred clearly being shown in my eyes, prompting her to let out a sly laugh. "Oh come on! You're not still angry at what happened 60 years ago are you?" She questioned, mock in her voice.

I am.

I gave her a tight lipped smile "wouldn't you still be angry if I did that that to you?" I questioned back, her laughter halting.

She hummed in thought, tapping her sharp nail against her chin "hmm I guess I would be." She replied with a smile.

"But what you did then is nothing compared to what you did to Mark." I added, a hint of my anger showing despite my sire keeping me grounded. She raised her eyebrows with a smirk "that beautiful young boy? Ah, he was delightful. I still hear his pleads and screams of pain." She replied, clicking her tongue afterwards.


Anger shot through me and I sent a strong hit to her stomach, sending her flying across the courtyard. The sound of glass smashing and a pained grunt followed as I felt my fangs grow.

"Stop." His voice invaded my ears, my body wanting to follow his command. However, I saw the red eyes staring back at me and I was not satisfied yet...

And somehow...

For the first time ever...

I disobeyed a command from my sire.

Mark's POV

"I don't remember learning this." I said while scratching my head in confusion. Tommy sat next to me in our usual spot in class, easily completing the tasks we had been given.

I must have skipped again.

"I think you were here when we did this, though you were pretty distracted." He replied, eyes still focused on his paper. I squinted my eyes his way "distracted by what?" I asked, really not remembering a single thing.

It was starting to annoy me now, why couldn't I remember?

"By Damon." He simply answered, still not even sparing me a glance. This Damon guy again? Ugh.

"I still don't believe you, you're making it up." I replied, now looking at my own work. Obviously as I looked through my note pad, there is work that I don't remember doing.

But I was still behind, the gap in my memory making itself more evident as the day went on. And I keep seeing the glances thrown my way, making me sink into hoodie even further.

"Well I guess we can only look forward, do you need any help?" He asked, noticing my confused look at the work. I looked at Tommy and nodded and for the rest of the lesson he helped me fill in the gaps.

"After this, let's skip and go see your mother." Tommy said as he packed away a few things into his bag. I became nervous "do you think she's mad?" I questioned and began nibbling my bottom lip.

Tommy chuckled "well I don't think she would be happy that you disappeared for a while. Though I think we should go see her because I heard she's not been well." He said, his voice softer.

I turned my head sharply in his direction, concern talking over "she's sick?" I ask and began shoving my stuff into my bag. He watched me with concern too "I heard that she is, i'm not sure how bad it is." He revealed.

I let out a loud sigh and stood up, running out of the room.

And all the way home...

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