Chapter 24 🍷

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Mark's POV:

"She's in the early stages of cancer."

Those words. Those words were what had me hiding in the bathroom, crying and curled up in the corner. I knew it was just the early stages and she had a better chance at beating it however I was feeling guilty.

I had left her at some point to fend for herself.

How had I not realised sooner that she was ill? She had taken a tumble at work earlier today so i'm glad I came out of college early. Only now I had to hear this news, what if the treatment didn't work?

The thought of her dying suddenly had another wave of tears spilling from my eyes. My heart was broken, I was more aware of this dull ache in my chest. I wanted to reach out and hold something, someone for comfort yet I have no one in particular that comes to mind.

Someone else came into the bathroom, their steps quick as if they're looking for something. "Mark?" I heard my name and could tell it was Tommy. I whimpered and unlocked the cubicle I was in, he heard and entered too.

I must look like a wreck right now.

His face was concerned and he dropped to his knees, pulling me into a tight hug. I held onto him, finding the warmth I was looking for, crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay dude, let it out." Tommy whispered, running a soothing hand up and down my back. "I w-wasn't there f-for her." I spoke between sniffles, gripping onto his clothes now.

I felt like such an awful son.

"She's still in the consultation with her doctor, we should wait outside so she knows we're here Mark." Tommy replied, pulling away and wiping some of my tears away. I kept sniffling, there's probably snot on my chin.

He sent a warm smile my way and held my hand, helping me to my feet. I nodded "we should... god i'm so weak." I said with my voice low and full of anxiety.

Instead of leading me out of the cubicle, he stopped and looked at me, shaking his head no. "You're not... you're strong Mark. You're the strongest person I much braver than me and I admire you for it." He said, making me pout since he was being so serious rather than his jokey self.

He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and then began walking me out of the restroom before I could even react.

I kept silent, processing this new side to Tommy.

We arrived at the right place in the hospital just as my mother was walking out. Her eyes were puffy like mine and she looked so tired, I let go of Tommy's hand and pulled her into tight hug.

"I'm sorry mom." I said, almost a whisper. She hugged back immediately, letting out a relieved sigh "you're already forgiven Mark." She replied, her eyes watering.

After a long moment of us hugging, I pulled away "when does the treatment start?" I asked, looking back and forth from the doctor and to my mother.

The doctor looked a little nervous but sent a small smile my way "we need to do more tests before we can confirm any treatment dates, we'll be doing scans tomorrow." He explained not helping my anxiety at all.

"Ok, thanks doctor." I replied, my voice small.

He began walking away, clutching the clipboard to his chest while I held my mother's hand. I looked at her "come on mom, let's go home." I said to which she nodded. She needed rest.

"I will drive you guys." Tommy chirped in, looping some keys around his finger.

"Thank you Tommy, you're welcome to stay the night if Mark wants." My mom said, a warm look on her face. "Can I?" Tommy asked, looking directly at me. "Yeah, sure." I replied.

We all left the hospital, hopping into Tommy's car and driving home. My best friend made some light banter on the way there which really lifted my spirits a little. I'm so glad he was here right now, everything was really taking a toll on me...

Once we were all in the house, my mother began climbing the stairs immediately "you guys can order takeout if you like, just don't stay up too late." She said, disappearing upstairs after. I stared sadly where I last saw her before she walked away, scared of losing her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Tommy and his caring eyes. "Are you hungry?" He asked while pulling out his phone. "No, I have no appetite right now." I replied, pushing some loose hair from my eyes.

He shoved his phone in his pocket, but then pushed some hair behind my ear. "Alcohol then?" He asked jokingly. Hmm that is what I want right now...

I walked wordlessly to my 'secret stash' pulling out a full bottle if whisky, high percentage. I smiled and walked passed Tommy to the stairs, pulling the lid off and taking a few gulps while I walked. He sighed and followed me, while I pulled a face from the burning in my throat.

It was a good burn.

"Alcohol won't solve this Mark." Tommy spoke with hushed tones as he followed me into my room and clicked the door shut. "It won't but at least i'll feel better for a moment." I stated and took another bunch of gulps.

He grabbed the bottle off me afterwards.

"Hey!" I said and pouted, trying to grab it back. "Shhh, you're mother is sleeping." Tommy said, making me halt. "Well just give it back Tommy." I whisper shouted, grabbing it off him.

He let out a loud huff while I took more gulps.

Half the bottle was gone already, I already felt the alcohol take affect "i'm a piece of shit." I slurred, leaning my head on Tommy's shoulder. "No, you're not." He said.

"What am I even doing with my life? Staying home in my room while I should be in college...i'm a failure." I muttered sadly, taking another gulp of the whisky.

The bottle was grabbed from me once again and placed aside, only this time I didn't care. I'd had enough to make me feel woozy, yay to lightweights. "Stop this Mark." Tommy spoke with firmness in his voice while wrapping his arms around me.

I looked up at him. Emotions clear in his eyes.

He cares. He's here. It felt as if a void had been filled suddenly.

"Tommy?" I said almost as if it was a question directed at myself. I hiccuped suddenly more aware of our closeness, his hands on my waist.

I bit my lip while bringing my hands to rest on his chest, I could feel his heart beginning to race. Panic?

"We should sleep." Tommy said, pulling his hands away from me. I gulped, tasting the strong alcohol on my tongue and eventually nodding. What was I just thinking? I don't understand my thoughts...

Do I like Tommy?

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