Chapter 4 🍷

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⬆️ Hyunjin from stray kids do be looking handsome 😱. You can imagine Marcus like that if you want.

Mark's POV

It felt like someone had dragged me into a pit of darkness when I passed out from blood loss. My mind felt clouded with confusion, I needed an explanation to what I had witnessed.

How did Damon throw that guy at a tree? Why was that guy drinking my blood like it's alcohol?

All I could hear was beeping so that must be a good sign i'm alive right?

Unless it's the devil luring me in then I must be dead, but i'm pretty sure it sounds like the hospital.

Did I mention that i'm weak in general? Yeah, well I feel even weaker now. Even as I attempt to open my eyes, I struggled and I still had that heavy feeling.

I could twitch my finger though and who ever was sat next to me breathing on my face saw that too. I could tell with the way I could feel them jerk up suddenly and run off shouting "nurse!"

It sounds like Tommy, always reacting dramatically. I peeled my eyes open slowly, rapidly blinking to the exposure of light. Who the fuck would let the sun be on my face?

Oh yeah, that doofus Tommy. He came running back in with a nurse close behind him. The nurse saw me awake and immediately came to my side checking me over.

"Hello Marcus, my name is Jess, is it okay if I sit you up?" They said after checking the machines. I nodded as my throat felt dry. I hand signalled that I need water and they went to fetch some quickly leaving me with Tommy.

"Dude, are you okay?" He asked with a worried face. I just nodded again, still feeling dazed. "You looked dead when I first saw you in hospital." He said and sat next to me on bed.

I brought my hand up to my neck trying to feel for puncture marks. I couldn't feel any though... weird.

The nurse returned with my water and I gulped it down in one go. I cleared my throat "thank you." I said with my voice a little hoarse.

"It's okay. Do you know why you're here Marcus?" She asked politely. I looked down and took my hand from my neck, my arms were looking pale with the veins being even more visible. "U-Uhm." I said not knowing what to say.

I decided to hear what they thought happened. "I can't remember, c-can you tell me what happened?" I asked. The nurse looked at me with a sad expression "we're not even sure what happened really, you were left here with a lot of blood loss. We're not sure how you lost it just yet." She said.

I started to fidget with my fingers, how did they manage to hide the marks on my neck?

Suddenly all I could hear was the clicking of heels and my mum shouting "MARK, MY BABY!"

Oh shit.

——————————Time Skip———————

I was released from hospital the next day since I recovered quite quickly and the blood transfusion didn't cause any reaction.

I was back at college in no time which is a bit shitty since it was someone at college that had put me in the hospital. I spotted Damon near the entrance talking with one of the sluts.

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