Chapter 6 🍷

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Present day

Damon's POV

I'd had sex many times throughout my life time but i've never experienced that. Usually I was in pain and felt nothing but being with Mark made my heart flutter.

I had kept an eye on him over the years, and I decided to be around him since he was all grown up. I was glad he didn't recognise me when he first saw me.

My sire still hadn't found me but I have a feeling he's close and he's coming for me.

A new group of vampires had moved here so I had to arrange a truce with them. However I broke that truce when I killed the one attacking Mark. They'd have to choose their next steps carefully as i'm a much older vampire than them.

Meaning i'm stronger and my powers are much more developed.

I killed that vampire easily without breaking a sweat. They'll want to speak to me soon but i'll have to make it clear that the reason they're still alive is because I choose not to kill them.

I had warned that young one to keep his hands off but he seemed to like forbidden fruit.

I was so angry to see Mark laying on the floor going pale. I healed his wound and took him to the hospital using my mist teleportation to get him there quicker.

I didn't stay, I wasn't ready to tell him. I still needed to figure out why he made me feel alive.

I left him alone in the locker room "shit." I muttered to myself. I didn't mean for it to go that far, I just got lost in his touch.

Every time he intimately touched me, a jolt was sent through me making me feel alive. He looked so beautiful beneath me which made me feel warm and I actually got sweaty. Vampires don't get sweaty.

What scared me though was that I nearly bit him and my dark black eyes resurfaced once again after 50 years. I managed to hide them and compose myself.

I made my way out of the college, I really only stuck around to see Mark and watch over him. I needed blood though, it felt like Mark had drained me.

I walked into the forest hoping to find a rabbit or maybe a squirrel, i've learnt to survive on small amounts of blood.

After I found a rabbit and fed, I began to feel someone else's presence. "Who's there?" I asked calmly.

"Don't be startled, it's just me, George." A voice answered. Ahh, George, a newborn from the other vampires. I learnt he was only turned 5 years ago.

"What do you want?" I asked. He came closer and I stood on guard, clenching my fist. "My sire wants to know why you killed Sam." He said. Oh so he's playing messenger now.

"Your sire too scared to ask me himself?" I questioned while chuckling. I flashed my eyes red which made him fidget on the spot. "Tell your sire he attacked my claimed human even after a warning. Sam got what he deserved." I said while pulling a cold face.

"Oh." George said while cowering his head "i'll let him know." He added and ran away.

It was then that I made my way back to the college to see Mark. I sat in the class we had together and I looked at him with a smirk.

A blush formed on his cheeks as he pulled his hoodie further onto his head. I yanked my phone from my pocket and messaged him.

You sound sexy when you moan my name 😍

I saw him reach into his pocket and check his phone. His blush deepened and his eyes widened, he looked so cute. He licked his lips and began typing a text back.

Stop, I can barely walk from our session 😭

Well then, the 'session' was successful 😏

I put my phone into my pocket and watch how he got flustered at that text. It was way too easy to tease him.

—————————Time Skip————————-

After college I decided to go see the sire of the other vampires, I needed to make it clear that Mark was off limits for their feeding.

They owned a business specifically for vampires but fronted as a hotel to humans; That was how they caught their dinner. Any vampire can turn up and request humans to fuck and feed from for a price.

Some humans worked there out of their own free will but they cost a lot. I decided going there was my best chance of finding their sire.

I walked through the door "welcome, how can I-." The lady at the reception stopped when I flashed my glowing blue eyes at them. Vampires only got glowing blue eyes when they're over 200 years old.

"Do you need a room?" The lady asked while cowering their head. She wasn't a new born but they were still young compared to me. "No, I want to see your sire." I demanded with a cold tone.

"He's in room 13, he's actually expecting you. You can just enter." She said and sat herself down at her desk after pointing down a hallway.

I walked down the hallway to his room, the smell of  blood and sex filling my nostrils. I entered and all I could hear was moans from some whore that worked here.

"Ah you're finally here." He said breathing heavily. He was sat in front of a fire with some girl riding him while he drank blood from a cup.

He was old looking, which means he was turned when he was old. He was turned 120 years ago which still made me the older vampire but he always tried to annoy me any chance he could.

I stood there with my hands in my pockets and I rolled my eyes. He pushed her off and she immediately started to suck his dick.

He looked at me dead in the eye "I think we need to discuss this little human of yours." He said.

Looking me dead in the eye was the same as challenging me. I didn't like it one bit. However if I started fighting these vampires, it'll cause a ruckus and my sire will find me.

"There's not much to discuss, just stay away from him." I replied with a harsh tone. He stood up angrily, the whore bouncing back with surprise. "Your obsession with that human has caused one of my vampires to get killed." He seethed.

I flashed my red eyes "I gave him a fucking warning, control your vampires better. They should know not to test an older vampire." I replied back just as angry.

"Even you should watch what you say. You're still here because I allow it." I added while I flashed my eyes the glowing blue and clicked my fingers, causing a flow of air to push him back to his seat. I was losing my patience.

His eyes were wide "we'll have no problems as long as you leave my claimed human alone. That's not too hard to do is it?" I calmly said.

I turned around and left, hoping he'd learned his lesson.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's beginning to get interesting 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣😇

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