Chapter 3 🍷

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Mark's POV

I entered my house, deep in thought at the events that happened today. I swear that guy had bit me unless he had jabbed me with something, but how? Both of his hands were gripping my waist due to my squirming. I walked further into my house, pulling off my hoodie and throwing it on the sofa.

"Marcus?" I heard my mum say from the kitchen. "Yeah?" I questioned, walking towards the kitchen.

"I've made us pasta bake, are you hungry?" She asked smiling at me. I returned the smile "yeah, I didn't get to eat my lunch today. Uhm, busy studying and that." I quickly covered up.

It would be awkward telling her that I let some guy have his way with me, even if it was non consensual. It made me look weak and she thought I wasn't as shy as I was.

She only saw this confident side of me because I was comfortable with her. "You'll catch up in no time then!" She replied enthusiastically. I nodded to her and sat down at the table, ready to eat.

——————————time skip————————

"Marcus could you go to the shop for me? I'm in urgent need of paracetamol." My mum said holding her head. Another head ache again? I looked at her sadly.

"Are they getting worse?" I asked. She looked at me "it doesn't matter, I think it's just stress." She dismissed my concerns.

What if something is wrong though? "Well you can find out if it's just stress when you go to the doctors, right?" I questioned. I'll book her in and drag her there if I have to.

She just nodded her head, she must be afraid that there's something wrong. I stood up from the table and grabbed my hoodie and wallet.

I walked out a moment later and made my way to the local convenience store. I'd made this small trip many times to get snacks so the owner knew my face quite well.

"Mark! Nice to see you again." They said once I entered the store. Leo, he was good friends with my dad, I didn't particularly like him. He made fun of gays when he didn't know I was gay.

"Hi Leo." I plainly replied and walked past the counter to find the paracetamol. I didn't want to take too long. After walking further into the store the door jingled open again indicating another customer.

I found the paracetamol and picked up the box, spinning around to head back to the counter. However I face planted right into someones chest but it felt like a brick wall. I didn't even hear them walk up behind me.

"Ouch." I said quietly while I went to take a step back. However I felt arms wrap around me and pull me back into them, I gasped at the contact. "What the hell dude? Let me go!" I shouted.

I heard them chuckle "but you body fits so well with mine." They creepily said making me shiver. I looked up at them, Damon...

"L-let go." My confidence from earlier diminishing. He smiled and let go of me and I immediately stepped back. "Are you following me?" I asked him.

He smirked "maybe, I just can't seem to keep my eyes off you." He smugly said looking me up and down. I scrunched my nose, is that supposed to be a pick up line? It just creeps me out.

I turned to walk away and he let me thankfully. I paid for my things and returned home. Except the whole way there I was looking over my shoulder.

————————The Next Day————————

Today was one of the days where I chose not to go to college. Not because I couldn't find the will to get out of bed. I was put off by the weird people that had joined the college. The whole point of being a loner with only one friend is to not get noticed.

I had begun to watch a show on Netflix when I felt my phone buzz on my desk. I stood up and answered it "hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Marcus, why aren't you at college?" My mother asked. Shit, they were quick to tell her this time. "I didn't feel like it mum." I simply answered. I heard her sigh through the phone.

I knew she was getting sick of my ditching "fine, just this one day but at least get out for a walk or something." She said calmly.

"Yeah, i'll do that. I need fresh air anyway." I replied. "Thank you Marcus, i'll see you later." She said and hung up.

I looked at my tv, saddened that I couldn't watch my show. Going for a walk is the least I could do for my mum, she's always putting up with me.

I walked out my room and grabbed my hoodie and shoes. I decided to leave my phone as I was only going for a short walk; it needed charging anyway.

I left the house and began to walk on a trail in the woods. It was peaceful and I felt like I could breath properly here. I used to come here with my dad.

Halfway through my walk, I heard my name get called. I turned and I froze on the spot once I saw who called me. It was the guy who harassed me at college yesterday, I didn't waste any time running away.

Although, somehow he caught up with me in a split second. He pushed me to the ground and held me by my neck "s-stop." I whimpered at his harshness. Why was I so weak?

"I didn't get to enjoy my meal because that bastard Damon has a soft spot for you darling." He said laughing at my weakness. I gripped his wrists, trying to pull his hands away from my throat. It just made him laugh more when I failed to do so.

"Are you his whore or something?" He asked me making my eyes widen. "N-No." I choked out. He made a face which said he didn't believe me. "I think you are, you must be so tight for him to treat you so softly." He said while he squeezed my ass, holding me down with one arm.

I started to squirm and quietly sob, he could do anything to me right now. "Your blood smells so good." He suddenly said. "Blood?" I questioned confusedly. How the fuck can he smell blood?

Suddenly he yanked me up onto my feet and pressed me to a tree. I screamed in agony when he did that thing to my neck again. I pushed against his shoulder but he wouldn't budge. Slowly I could feel myself grow weaker...

Was he draining my blood? What the fuck!?

"D-Damon." I muttered quietly. Just as I called his name, he appeared as if from a black fog and grabbed the other guy. He threw him towards another tree as I fell on my knees.

My eyes widened and my mouth hung open with shock. What had I just witnessed? Damon swung at the other but they ducked leaving him to hit the tree and completely split it in half.

I was going to try to run away but I felt my body getting heavier as sleep was demanding to take over. I saw Damon take a blow to the stomach and then everything went black.



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