Chapter 25 🍷

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Very short chapter.


Damon's POV

The rain had stopped 5 minutes ago,

"He is such a fragile human, it would be a shame if i'd have to put an end to that pretty soul now wouldn't it?" Jimmy spoke with a sinister voice, he hid his anger with a calm voice.

He had commanded me to kneel until he says otherwise and I couldn't help but obey. "Please, leave him be." I begged, keeping my eyes cast down to the floor. He chuckled showing his satisfaction "only if you're good and do as I say, don't be selfish and lash out like that again. Mark will live a safe, vampire free life." Jimmy said and gave my head a pat.

I scoffed internally that he would treat me like a dog, though I was relieved that I can keep Mark safe.

"Okay now get up, you look pathetic." Jimmy ordered and I painfully unfolded my legs.

Once I was back on my feet again, he gave me a friendly smile "I think it's time I bring you up to date with my modern plans. You will be of so much help to me, together we will be successful." He said making me roll my eyes.

He sighed "how many times must I lecture you Damon? You belong to me, you're my creation. You'll serve me until your death."

Or until your death. I held back a chuckle.

I nodded instead, showing a glint of determination in my eyes.

He smiled "great to see you complying and looking less sorry for yourself. Now let's go inside where the others are." He said and began leading me indoors.

If only he knew that the determination was not to do his bidding for him.

The determination was from the idea forming in my head. I will kill him...even if it kills me.

I'm so sorry Mark.

I love you.

3rd person

And so Damon went along with his plan, unknowing how long it would take to complete his plans. He knew in his heart that he would gladly wait for Mark and the next time he would set his eyes on him, it would be knowing that they're safe.

Mark would be safe.


Mark would move on, knowing that there was something missing. A void.

Eventually he learned to live with that missing part while pursuing his career in law.

The two would meet again, 5 years later...

Mature and ready for a fight.

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