Chapter 21 🍷

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Marks POV

I felt as if a weight had shifted on my head, one moment a sharp pain shot through it but then it was gone. I gazed confusedly ahead, a gentle smile on an older looking man's lips. Where am I?

The man in front of me noticed my confusion "again I am so sorry for the intrusion, Damon here just got curious." He smoothly said. I turned my sight to the male kneeled on the floor, his eyes blood shot red from crying. I looked around me, i'm in a hotel room but I can't remember why.

"Why am I here?" I mumbled more to myself.

"Uhm we don't know, we thought we heard you fall so we rushed in here. We'll get going now." He said with a kind voice, I nodded and sent a small smile in return. "Follow me." He said to the other male, his voice much deeper this time, it sending a nervous shiver down my spine.

I sat at the end of the bed, head ache forming. I have no idea what the hell is going on, maybe I should call my mother or even Tommy. They will know what's happening right?

I shuffled around the room a little, searching for my phone which seems to be a waste of time since I can't fucking find it. "Ugh." I whined, rubbing my head a little. I turned around, eyes finding a mirror and gasping into my hand.

"What the fuck!?" I shouted, stepping closer to look at the hickeys proudly displayed on my neck. This has got to be a prank!

Oh fuck.

Did I hook up with someone!?

Now that I think about it, there was soreness in my ass. Did I just lose my virginity to a stanger!? And I can't fucking remember it. I also noticed my hair was much longer than I remember it but that's not really my priority right now.

I rushed to find some decent clothes and got dressed, there's got to be a phone I can use here. I threw the door open and used the elevator to get down to the reception, making sure to pull my hood over most of my face.

"Excuse me." I muttered to the lady who looked up from her computer and gave me a wide smile. "Yes, how can I help?" She replied in a sweet voice. "Can I use your phone? It seems I lost mine." I asked, fiddling with the hem of my sleeve.

"Of course." She said and handed me her own mobile, wow she's so nice.

I immediately dialled Tommy's number, biting my lip. "Hello?" His voice spoke finally and I let out a relieved breath.

"Tommy, it's Mark, I need your help dude." I spoke quickly. "Mark!? Your mom said you ran off with your boyfriend." He said as if it was shocking to hear my voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Boyfriend?

"But... I don't have a boyfriend. Look, I think I had a one night stand but I can't remember it. Can you come rescue me?" I explained, deciding to question him on the boyfriend thing later.

"Yeah...i'll come fetch you. Where are you?" He asked. I looked at the hotel name behind the reception and told him the name. "Holy shit dude, you're so far. I'll be there in an hour." He said. I gasped, how the fuck am I an hour away from home!?

"Uhhh, okay, see you soon." I muttered and hung up, handing the lady her phone back. I must have got fucking wasted to not have a clue about what happened.

I went back to the room I was in to look for any other things I might have brought. It didn't take long for me to find a suitcase, at first assuming it wasn't mine because the one I would use is blue.

This one was black but I decided to snoop anyway, widening my eyes when I found my clothes inside. Some of them clearly weren't mine though, eventually I found some money tucked to the side...

It was a lot...

Holy shit, what do I even do with this?

It's not mine so should I give it to the police?

I zipped up the suitcase and walked out the room, using the elevator again. I pulled the suitcase up to the reception desk "Hi uhm, I need to check out of my room." I stated.

The kind lady from earlier smiled at me "what room number is it?" She asked, tapping away on her computer. I looked at the key card I had found in there and placed it on the desk "room 50." I muttered my reply. I was expecting her to ask for the money "sir, you paid for three nights with us, are you not satisfied with your stay?" She asked.

I froze, three nights?

I guess the guy is going to use that room more than once. "Uh uhm, nevermind, I won't check out..." was all I could think to say before walking away with the suitcase. Should I really take this? I mean it had mostly my belongings in, just a few extra hoodies I didn't recognise...

I got outside and waited another 15 minutes before spotting Tommy in his family car. He jumped out, eyes scanning my appearance while I shuffled nervously on the spot. "Are you okay, Mark?" He asked once he's walked over to me.

"N-No... I don't... I don't remember a-anything." I said in a small voice, wavering from trying to stop any tears. My lip trembled as concern filled his face "let's get you home, yeah?" He muttered, pulling my hand into his.

He sat me in the passenger side and put the suitcase in the back seat. Soon enough, we were on the road, music playing lowly. I ran a shaky hand through my hair "where is Damon?" He questioned, eyes focused on the road.

"Who?" I leaned my elbow on the side, staring out into the road too. "You know, tall and mysterious Damon." He chuckled at the end. I looked at him "Tommy I have no idea who you're talking about." I raised my voice a little, feeling a headache come on.

"Oh, well okay, I guess you guys fell out." He mumbled and I tried soothing my headache by rubbing my temple. "Shall I drop you off at home or do you want to stay at mine?" He asked, glancing my direction. I debated whether I should see my mum, i'll probably get scolded for going out and possibly stopping at a hotel with a stranger.

I felt a pinch in my heart every time I thought 'stranger' but I ignored it.

"I'll stay at yours dude, my mom will kill me if she saw me like this." I answered, referring to the hickey marks on my neck. Tommy laughed though I could tell it was a little forced, I shuffled on the seat to get comfortable.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my pained expression. "My ass kills, this guy had no mercy, fuck." I muttered but loud enough for him to hear. I watched as his jaw clench, was he getting annoyed? I shrugged it off and looked ahead at the road, still trying to get comfy.

Just what is wrong with my memory?

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