Chapter 13 🍷

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69 years ago hehe

Damon's POV

I had knelt on this floor for hours and it had started to piss me off. Why does he keep doing this to me after all these years? Many people were passing by on the street looking at me with confusion and some with laughter.

My sire had commanded me the kneel here until he returned and sadly I had no say in doing this. My body moved on it's own.

The last time he did this he starved me for weeks and what made it worse was he made me kneel naked in his room. I thought that would be the last time but obviously not since i'm kneeling in the street. Luckily i'm clothed this time.

Someone stopping right in front of me pulled me from my angry thoughts. I looked up and there stood my sire with a smirk.

He grabbed my chin "stand." He ordered. I struggled getting up while he kept his eyes locked on my face.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" He asked with a low voice. "Yes." I replied not wanting to anger him, he was clearly already in a bad mood.

He smiled evilly "good. Now I have some people I want gone Damon. Get rid of them." He ordered and passed me some paper with names on it. Of course I have to go do his dirty work now...

I did a slight bow towards him "yes sire." I said and turned around, immediately getting to find these people. It's not like I had any other choice, it was an order.

The first name on the list 'Ellis Smith' had an address close by so I guess that's my first target...

It wasn't long before I had found the poor sod and was chasing him through an alleyway. Jimmy had forgot to mention he was a newborn, so I was a little unprepared.

I sped up to him and snapped his neck in an instance, a quick death is the best gift I can give him right now. I dragged his body back to his small apartment and decapitated his head before he could heal from the broken neck.

It can be quite tricky killing vampires so I make sure to remove their head. I then burn the body.

There's no chance of them coming back after that.

I'd just got finished with this guy when I heard the clicking of heels slowly getting closer. I stood on guard when they came into view.

A woman no older than 25 stood there with a seductive smile on her face. She smelled strongly of a certain perfume and she wore stiletto's paired with a black dress.

She was beautiful. Even I can't deny such beauty.

I had been staring without saying anything so she smirked and let out a breath.

"Hi... i'm Christina." 

—————————-present day——————————-

Mark's POV

It had been a week since I found out about Damon being a vampire and things had settled down. He had told me everything, even the part about me meeting him when I was younger which I don't really remember but it's understandable, I was so young.

Me and Tommy sat on a bench during our long break between lessons. The schedules they make are utter crap.

"Guess what." Tommy said to me out of no where. I smiled "what?" I asked and pulled a curious look.

"I lost my virginity finally!" He confessed loudly. I choked on my spit and my eyes widened in shock. I didn't expect him to say something like that and I blushed out of embarrassment. People were staring...

Tommy patted my back when I choked "u-ugh congrats Tommy." I said. He chuckled at the way I reacted and leaned into my ear "don't worry you'll lose yours one day too." He whispered.

I began to sweat a little "y-yeah, one day." I replied. I decided to turn the focus back to him, I hadn't told him about me and Damon yet. "Who's the lucky lady." I asked. Haha 'lucky'.

"Dude, I don't even get her name, we were too busy ya know." He cockily said. I gasped "a one night stand?" I questioned. He nodded and wore a smirk.

Suddenly his face went neutral and then pulled a confused look over my shoulder. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder that sent tingles down my back. Damon.

He usually doesn't come near me when i'm with Tommy.

He sat next to me and rested his arm over my shoulder. I pulled a confused look towards him, he doesn't usually do this either.

"Uhhh, hi." Tommy awkwardly spoke. Looking between me and Damon.

Damon nodded his head in greeting towards Tommy but then turned to me.

He laughed at my confused expression "i'm checking up on you, can't I do that?" He asked innocently. A blush made it's way on my cheeks, he's so sweet.

"You seemed a little worn out from last night, I didn't think you'd make it to college." He then said making the blush spread to my neck.

I heard Tommy burst out laughing and I looked towards him "no w-way." He said between breathes from laughing too hard. "You two?!?!" He said after a fit of laughter.

I nodded my head slowly.

I looked at Damon and he didn't give me a chance to speak before he pressed his lips onto mine. I gasped into the kiss but returned it nonetheless.

I heard Tommy stop laughing and then silence except from the noise of mine and Damons kiss. I pulled away from it after a while to notice Tommy gone.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked Damon. He shrugged "I could hear your conversation and I wanted to show him that you're mine." He said which made my heart thud.

A part of me loved this possessive side to him.

"Tommy would never make a move towards me." I said. He looked away and hummed "yeah, well I want to show you off." He said and pouted.

I giggled at him, he looked cute.

I kissed his cheek and interlocked our hands as he gave me a warm smile.

I hope things stay this nice.


Calm before the storm???

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