Chapter 18 🍷🥀

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Damon's POV

As I held Mark close to me in the back of the taxi, I thought back to the day before I escaped my sire in silence.


"Get up." I felt a rough hand grip my chin. My eyes flickered open as I grunted from the pain, trying to focus on what's in front of me.

"Get out my chambers, Julia can't see you here." My sire ordered while yanking me from the bed.

I grabbed my clothes and snickered "no one says chambers anymore, sire." I said.

He just rolled his eyes and started remaking the bed he used to fuck me. I left the room and made my way down the corridor, still buttoning up my shirt.

I was smirking, not because I got some, I don't like being a bottom. No, I was smirking because I could smell Julia out in the corridor watching me leave. Haha whoops.

Not my fault though.

And she obviously wasn't satisfying my sire enough for him to come begging me... well, more like ordering. It's basically rape.

But i'm bound to him.

This was the situation:

-Julia Burrows, the only daughter of the current prime minister.

-My sire had started to court her a year ago in order to gain influence in a highly respected and notorious family.

-They are currently engaged.

-She just caught me leaving Jimmy's bedroom, half naked, in the early hours. Hehe

I got closer to my own room while putting my hair into a man bun. I sighed and sat down on my bed, staring at the small travel bag in the corner.

When will I be brave enough to leave?

2 hours later*

I jolted upright when my door was flung open by none other than my sire. He looked angry.

I got so used to his anger and punishments that I didn't care anymore.

I just rolled my eyes. "Bend over now!" He seethed and I did so. When he orders me to do things, it's like I lose control of my whole body.

I heard him unbuckle his belt and fold it.

"Do you know how long it took to fucking convince Julia that there is nothing going on with us!" He shouted, bringing the belt to hit my ass.

I didn't give him much of a reaction which probably angered him even more.

"Let me tell you! Right now you're just another place to put my dick." He shouted at me again.

He grabbed my hair, pulling my bun out in the process. Fucks sake.

"You're way too fuckable to get rid of. Way too enticing! Even after all these years, I can't get enough." He whispered into my ear.

Blah, blah, he's said this before. Rambles on about it even. I get it, i'm hot.

He suddenly pulled out a knife cutting off all the hair he had in his hand with one swift movement.

Oh, fuck no!

"What the fuck!" I shouted.

"Oh that's got you talking!" He said and began laughing while throwing my hair in the bin.

I bought my hand to my head, feeling the shortness. My eyes were wide with anger.

I was immediately on him, hitting him with all the force I can muster but he easily blocked my attack. He was still laughing.

"This is such a turn on, seeing how much weaker you are." He chuckled.

"Fuck you!" I shouted. "I don't think i'll order you this time. I'll just force you!" He angrily said.

He was immediately on me, forcing my face into my pillow. I hated this, I felt so weak yet I was so powerful to others. And this is all he has used me for in the last year.

He's had no one for me to kill at all leaving me to be his sex slave seeing as he does this to me as much as he see's fit.

I was immediately struggling to get away from him, he cut off my long hair! That's just unforgivable in my eyes.

He had already removed my pants, positioning himself to forcefully enter me. He never prepped me as I would just heal from it anyway but it still hurts when it's suddenly stretched.

I stopped struggling after a moment as he's clearly stronger and seeing me struggling will just turn him on more.

He forced his way into me and I bit my lip when he immediately hit my prostate.

"You take my dick like a champ baby boy." He said, quickening his pace. I cringed internally. The sound of skin slapping echoed throughout my room as well the sound of his heavy breathing.

His hands gripped my waist tightly as he slammed every inch into me. I had begun moaning from the continuous stimulation but I kept them low not wanting to give him satisfaction.

All that stopped however when my bedroom door was once again slammed open just as my sire came inside me.

"I KNEW IT! Jimmy, you fucking liar." Julie said after storming in.

I felt him immediately pull out "wait, Julie. The little slut wouldn't stop begging me to fuck him. He got into my head!" He lied right to her face.

"Really? From the way I saw it, you were enjoying it way more than him! His face was scrunched with disgust! Explain that Jimmy!" She angrily said and crossed her arms.

He looked at me "tell her you begged me." He ordered while smirking.

"I begged him." I complied then hung my head low. Shit.

She scrunched her nose at us "still... homosexual's are disgusting!" She shouted and stormed out the room.

Jimmy buttoned up his trousers and ran off after her.

I brought my hand my hand to my hair again... short.  I hadn't once cut it in the last 100 years and he knew that. I frustratedly pulled my clothes back on for the second time today and grabbed my travel bag.

I stuffed it with clothes and cash. Jimmy would often let me keep the stuff I found after ransacking the house of the person i'd killed.

Once I would start getting further away from Jimmy, he would be able to feel my distance. However if I went to another country, I would be too far for him to track me.

I sped out of the house, not even looking back. He would be preoccupied with Julie anyway.

I ran 10 miles then decided to teleport from there all the way to the airport. I saw a plane just about to leave the airport so I ran up to the wheel and jumped up into the compartment.

Free air travel.

End of flashback:

I felt a tug at my arm and I looked down to Mark who tightly gripped onto me. He was looking up at me, eyes filled with tears and letting out small whimpers.

I kissed his nose "you'll be okay with me love." I said while running a soothing hand on his waist.

I hope.

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