Chapter 10 🍷

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POV switch in the middle.

Mark's POV

I felt a warmth on my face which pulled me from my slumber. I went to move to a comfier position but the soreness in my lower back had me groaning. "Fuck." I mumbled in my morning voice.

Did he have to fuck me this hard?

I clutched the bed sheets and slowly flickered my eyes open. The curtains were slightly open but the the sun was directly hitting my face. I sighed and slowly moved my position, hissing at the pain.

At the same moment, my stomach rumbled reminding me that I hadn't eaten the evening before. I was too busy ya know.

That's when I widened my eyes and sat up in bed quickly. "Ow, fuck." I shouted in pain. I hadn't gone home, mum will fucking kill me.

I'm still butt naked, where the fuck are my clothes? I rubbed my head in frustration. I got up and limped to the wardrobe in Damons room.

That reminds me, where is he? He isn't here. I don't even remember the direction we drove off in...

I shrugged it off and opened the wardrobe, it was filled with all his black clothes. I'm not even surprised that it's all black, it seems to be his favourite.

I pulled out a button up shirt with some jeans and pulled them on going commando. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I then limped out of the bedroom and saw the rest of the apartment for the first time, I didn't have time to look around yesterday. It looked spotless except for the fact that some places seemed to be collecting dust.

"Does he even use this apartment?" I mumbled questioning myself. It looked untouched.

I felt a shiver go down my spine "it's cold." I said and went to look for my phone so I could go home. I think I dropped it when we came in?

More like threw it, I was so in the moment.

I found it in the corner of the living room after 5 minutes of searching.

Fuck, theres a crack. Well that's to be expected when you throw it across the room. I facepalmed.

It still worked though.

Text messages:

When are you getting home? xx

It's getting a bit late. Where are you?

I'm getting worried Marcus! Text me!!

Mum i'm fine! I slept over at Tommy's house, sorry I forgot to tell you.

I'm very disappointed, you've had me worried for your safety! Especially when you were attacked not long ago! Get home now.

I feel so bad, she must be so tired. I pinched my nose and sighed, i'll never hear the end of this. I pulled my shoes on which I found scattered around the kitchen and walked out the door.

I can't lock the door but Damon shouldn't have left me alone.

I ended up catching a bus and preparing myself for 'the talk'.

Night before

Damon's POV

I pressed a long kiss onto his forehead once he'd fell asleep, he looked so beautiful. I played with his hair after that as I felt I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

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