Chapter 2 🍷

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Mark's POV

The next day was the same as yesterday mostly, someone seemed to really love staring at the back of my head. I was heading to the cafeteria with a packed lunch since I can't really afford McDonald's again.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I spun around to see who it was. There, stood the new guy from my law class "can I help you?" I asked.

He looked down at me, clearly amused by the height difference "I want to know your name." He said. Well that's a bit random.

"Uhm, why?" I asked. He rolled his eyes "obviously because I want to get to know you." He replied. I stood there fidgeting on the spot, he gave me the creeps a little.

"M-Mark." I said. What's the harm in giving him my name? He smirked at me and leaned into my ear "I like it. Why don't you come eat with me and my friends, hmm?" He questioned.

"B-But i'm meeting T-Tommy." I shyly said not wanting to sit at a table full of strangers. I looked down not wanting to see his eyes. "Hmm, yeah the one that follows you about everywhere. That's a shame." He said in an annoyed voice and patted my shoulder.

He didn't say anything else and walked off towards the cafeteria. I sighed and rested my tense shoulders, well I guess i'm going to eat elsewhere, I don't want to be near him.

I texted Tommy to meet outside before I made my way towards the exit. I just got out the doors when I got a text back from Tommy 'sorry dude, I got lunch detention.'

Ahh, the idiot. I carried on walking towards the outside benches when I spotted a group I hadn't seen around before. I just went to walk past them.

However I was stopped by one of them standing in front of me, I looked at him annoyed. This was the second time someone had decided to stop me today, why can't people leave me alone?

"Are you new?" They asked. "No." I plainly answered wanting to just move on with my day. "Then how come I haven't see you around?" They asked.

I rolled my eyes annoyed "because I ditch a lot, can you move?" I bravely said. They looked at me amused "I don't want to, i'm kind of hungry." I looked back at them confused "then go eat." I said.

Suddenly I was pressed against the wall looking into his eyes with fear. They were so strong "I don't think anybody will notice you missing will they?" He said and chuckled evilly.

I looked at him wide eyed "w-what?" I stuttered out. I moved my eyes to look at the group of friends he was with, they were looking away and ignoring what was happening. What the fuck?

He then gripped my jaw to pull my face to look at him, I winced at how tight he held me. He yanked my hoodie down "ahh, a pretty boy. Why do you hide that?" He asked and began to twirl my hair. I didn't answer, I was too busy shaking in fear.

I'm too scrawny to take on this guy, although he looked a little skinny, he was stronger. He pressed his nose to my throat and I froze. Was the guy sniffing me... again, what the fuck?

I began to squirm in a little attempt for him to move away, I don't like him being this close. He is a stranger after all. He just dug his hands into my hips to stop me "don't fucking move." He growled.

"L-Leave me alone, this isn't funny." I managed to say to him right as I felt something pinching my neck. It only lasted a moment as I felt the guy get pulled away from me rather harshly. I whimpered and rubbed my neck, it felt kind of sore.

I looked to see who had pulled him away and it was none other than the guy from my class. Is this guy following me?

He looked at me with worry then grabbed my arm yanking me behind him. "Damon, you know you're not supposed to disrupt me when i'm feeding." The guy angrily said. So that's his name?

"Leave this one alone, i've already claimed him." Damon replied making my eyes widen. Claimed? I'm not just someone who can be fucking claimed!

I decided to stay quiet since I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Damon still had a tight grip on my arm as he started to drag me into the college.

I just let him drag me, he did save me from that weirdo. Next minute we were in a bathroom and he let go. "I thought you were meeting with your friend?" He asked calmly.

I looked at him "he got detention." I said and noticed his eyes were a very bright hazel. Weren't they brown? Eh, I don't care.

His eyes drifted towards my neck and his face softened. "Come here." He ordered in a low voice.

I did it without hesitation, I don't know why though. It's like my brain couldn't protest.

He pulled me close immediately placing his lips at my neck. He kissed were it felt sore and my hands went to his hair. I held in a small moan as he trailed the kisses to my jaw, it had already began to feel better. Almost as if he healed it.

Before it became heated he stopped and pulled away looking at my neck still. My eyes dropped to the floor a little embarrassed that I gave into him so easily. Why did I not hesitate?

"Stay away from that group, they're freaks." He stated and walked out the bathroom leaving me flustered alone. I tried to grasp what had just happened but none of it made sense to me.

I left the bathroom after a while and made my way to my last class today, I wouldn't be able to concentrate though.

I sat down in my usual seat, pulling out my notebook and pens. I looked to the front and saw Damon talking with the teacher, he looked serious. The teacher nodded and he ran out the room. I wonder what's wrong?

No! I'm not bothered, he's just a creep. I don't like him.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as Tommy sat down next to me "can you believe I got detention for calling the teacher hot? I mean it's a compliment, why she gotta be so mad for?" He said.

Oh so that's what he got detention for. Doesn't surprise me really.

"Well, I can imagine you worded it really sexual so that's why she got angry." I replied and smiled. It was amusing. He pouted for the 100th time today "it's not fair." He said and crossed his arms.

I looked away from him rolling my eyes and began to pay attention to the teacher.



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