Chapter 5 🍷

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This will be a bit of backstory for Damon 😇

Damon's POV

234 years ago

"He's a monster! Burn him!" Someone from the crowd shouted as I was dragged along wearing metal cuffs. "His eyes glow red! I saw them!" Another person shouted. "I saw him with BLOOD around his mouth!" "MURDERER!" "He deserves DEATH!" "BURN THE MONSTER!" "HE HAS CLAWS!" "HE'S AN ANIMAL!"

The growing crowd relentlessly accused and slandered me. They weren't wrong though... I am a monster. A vampire.

I had killed to quench my thirst, it just wouldn't go away. And when I drank blood, it made me feel that little bit alive. I couldn't control myself, I deserved this death.

So I didn't fight it.

I didn't struggle when they captured and cuffed me. I didn't struggle when they tied me to a post.
I didn't struggle when they began to burn me.

I was in agony despite the fact that I have healing capabilities, being burnt alive was no walk in the park.

If anything, the healing made the process worse, making it last longer. Little did I know, death for a vampire was not that easy.


3rd person POV

145 years later.

"You ok Jimmy?" Pete asked his climbing buddy. He had just seen his mate fall a small distance into a the cave.

"Uhh, yeah! Badly scraped my knee though!" Jimmy replied. They were trespassing on private property to explore some caves. They were adventurers and they didn't want to let private property stop them.

Over the years, many people had asked the owners if they can explore the caves but the answer was always no. It begs the question, are they hiding something?

Why were they trying to keep people out?

What people didn't know was that they were trying to keep someone in. Something in.

Pete climbed down the rest of the distance and eyed the small wound on jimmy's knee. "Scraped it bad? Don't be a baby, come on." He said and patted Jimmy's shoulder.

He used his flash light to see further into the cave but he didn't expect to see a metal coffin. "Holy shit, Jimmy look at this." Pete said while nudging him.

They both looked confused "this is really dodgy." Jimmy said scratching his head. They both moved closer to get a better look.

"It's metal, what if it's actually treasure?" Pete said. Jimmy shrugged letting his hand trace the outline of the coffin. "Only one way to find out." Pete added, pulling out some tools.

It took them 30 minutes to finally crack open the lid to the coffin. They moved it and their eyes widened and mouths hung agape with shock "i-is t-that a dead b-body?" Pete stuttered out.

They stared at the bones that still had burnt skin stuck to it, almost as if they only died a year ago.

"That body doesn't look like it's been dead long Pete. Do you think the owners kill people and put them down here?" Jimmy asked and gulped trying to remain calm.

"U-uhm, I think we should leave." Pete said feeling a little sick from the sight. He knew this person must have had a painful death.

"Wait." Jimmy suddenly said looking interested in the body. "What the hell do you mean wait, we need to get out of here." Pete insisted.

Jimmy grabbed Pete's arm so he wouldn't walk away. "I can't let you leave." He said making Pete shiver.

"W-what?" Pete asked with fear filling his eyes. Jimmy's tone had darkened.

"Now that i've found my creation, you have to die." Jimmy said right before slitting Pete's throat. Pete's hands went to his throat as his eyes widened.

Jimmy shoved Pete into the coffin letting the blood flow all over the dead body. Jimmy stood back with a smirk "finally." He murmured.

Minutes later a shaky hand gripped the side of the coffin pulling themselves to sit up with struggle. Their face still looked decayed but their muscles and body function were restored.

"N-Need m-more." They said. They laid their pleading eyes on Jimmy "come... Damon." Jimmy said holding his hand out.

Damon slowly climbed out "sire?" He asked. "Yes, I know I look different, it's been 145 years." Jimmy replied making Damon's black eyes widen.

Jimmy took Damon's hand "let's go, my son." He said leading Damon to leave the cave. Damon gladly followed his sire.

—————————-Time Skip————————

Damon's POV

12 years ago from 2020

I have a complicated relationship with my sire, I had to adhere to his every need and I had no control when I did so. My body moved on it's own when he commanded me. One day i'd be killing a group of new borns, the next he's fucking me over the table. I couldn't protest at all.

So I ran away.

I did this 30 years ago when he'd made it into the government. He was so busy with the work and plotting that I took my chance and ran away.

I've been living my own life since then and made my own decisions. I wasn't someone's puppet anymore.

About 12 years ago, I was on one of my night hunts when I heard crying. When I investigated the noise, I found a young boy all alone in the forest.

They immediately ran to me gripping my clothes tightly "I c-can't find m-my mummy." They said with snot and tears falling down their face.

For some reason my heart filled with worry and it made me feel more alive than any blood I drank. I hugged them and it send tingles up my arm.

I couldn't understand what was happening.

"Don't worry, i'll get you home." I said to the young boy. "R-Really?" The young boy said. "Yes." I answered.

"What's your name?" I asked him. He wiped tears and snot from his face "M-Mark." He answered. I held his hand "Well, let's get you home Mark." I said and lead him back towards the living estate.

I decided to watch over him until he grew older, I wanted to protect him and watch him grow.

I sniffed out where his scent was strongest and found his house. His mother ran out once she spotted us "OH MY GOD MARCUS! I took my eyes off you for one second!" She said pulling him into her arms.

"Sorry mum." He said hugging her. She looked at me "uhm thank you for getting him back." She said.

I nodded and turned away, I was still hungry and needed to hunt. "Thank you mister." The young boy managed to say before I walked away completely.


Damon's present day POV in next chapter 👌👌

Damon's present day POV in next chapter 👌👌

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