💥 13 💥

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After a few minutes in the pool you got out and the shirt was wet and it was sticking to your body. Bakugou and Kirishima noticed since they saw you get out. The shirt was wrapped around your curves making them blush a little. You went and grabbed a towel and sat down. Haru looked at both of them and said "so are you guys friends." "Yea we are" Kirishima said. Tsuki got out and went to get the football that was on the floor. He then went back in the pool saying "want to play a game." He then looked at you and said "you can play if you want." You got up and jumped back in the pool. "Pass me the ball" you said. Your brother then threw the ball at you and you caught it. You then threw it at Haru who threw the ball at Kirishima. He then passed the ball to Bakugou. You guys did this for 10 minutes. "Food's ready!" You heard your mom yell. You all got out of the pool, grabbed a towel and went inside.

"Here eat up!" Your dad said. "Huh he isn't as bad as I thought" Bakugou thought. You all finished eating and you got up to help clean. Your clothes were still wet but not as much. You got Bakugou's and Kirishima's plates and washed them. "What about us" Haru said. "Yea bitch what about us" Tsuki said. You rolled your eyes and only grabbed Haru's plate and washed it since he wasn't being rude. You then looked at Tsuki in the eye and said "wash your plate" (you activated your quirk). Your brother got up and did as told, you just watched and let out a giggle. You looked at Kirishima and Bakugou and said "want a drink?" They nodded and you went to the cabinets and grabbed a bottle of tequila and a bottle of wine. You then said "mom you want some wine?" She replied saying "yes please!" You then asked your dad "dad you want some tequila?" He replied saying "yea." You grabbed two wine glasses and poured wine into one and tequila into the other. You then gave it to your parents and went back to where everyone else was and asked "so what do you guys want?" Haru and Tsuki said tequila. You grabbed 2 more glasses and poured some tequila in them. Kirishima and Bakugou want tequila too so you gave them tequila. You then grabbed a glass for yourself and poured some wine. You, your brothers and Kirishima and Bakugou went back outside and sat on the chairs. "Cheers!" You said happily. You all ended up finishing it and you said "well ima get in the pool in a bit, do you guys want to see who can swim faster?" They all said together "oh it's on." You jumped into the pool and they did too.

Haru went first and Tsuki was keeping track of time. It took him 40seconds. Tsuki went next and it took him 38seconds. Kirishima went next and it took him 34 seconds. Bakugou then went and it took him 32 seconds. Lastly you went and when you were done they were all staring at you. Your time was 17 seconds. "Wow that was faster than before" Haru said. "Yea well I've been practicing." You said. After the little competition you said "let's see who can hold their breath's under water longer." They all agreed and you all went underwater. You all lasted 1 minute under water, the first one out was Tsuki. The second one was Kirishima. The third one was Haru. The fourth one was Bakugou and you won once again. "Ha I win you lose!" You said laughing. "But we won in something else😉" Bakugou said. You turned red and went back underwater when Tsuki pushed your head down and said "this bitch is dumb asf how did she not drown just now" laughing. You then started splashing water trying to back up. He let go of you and you were breathing hard. Haru and Tsuki got out and went inside. "We can make you breath like that pebble" you heard Kirishima say. You then started coughing and said "shut up I'm trying to breathe here." Bakugou just laughed. You got out of the pool and the shirt was once again close to your body. It showed every single curve you had. "Like what you see" you said giggling. "Yea so what" Bakugou replied. "You guys really want more don't you" you said winking at both of them. "Well pebble we do but do you?" Kirishima asked. "Fuck yea I do you guys could fuck me so many times and I wouldn't complain" you said. Bakugou and Kirishima then got out and went up to you. "Teddy bear" Bakugou whispered in your ear. "Y-yes" you said blushing. "We will get what we want soon" he said. He then moved and Kirishima then got closer and whispered "pebble you know you can take control right but don't try doing the same thing." You blushed even harder and he moved away and sat down. You went to them and kissed both of them in the mouth. Your sister then came outside and you didn't see her. She went up to you guys and said "so is this how you got those marks." You got embarrassed and got up and said "n-no well uh." But you remembered your a bad bitch and said "fuck yea I left marks on both of them too!" Your sister had only thought one of the guys had made those marks but after you said that she said "you took both??" "Yea I did and it was so fucking good" you said looking back at Kiri and Bakugou which made them blush just a little.

Your sister then said "well if you guys are dried up we can go inside and watch a movie. You three can either be in Y/N's room or in the living room with my brothers and I." "Okay" Kiri said. You all went back inside and your brothers were playing gta. "Let me play" you said. You sat down and Haru gave you his controller. You started playing with Tsuki and you were being chased by cops💀. He said "dumbass." Bakugou laughed a little and it made you blush. "Those two are mine and only mine" you thought. "Want to play?" You asked Kirishima and Bakugou. They said "yea" and you gave Bakugou, Haru's controller. You then took Tsuki's and gave it to Kirishima. Your brothers and Bakugou and Kirishima were all in the living room taking turns to play.

Meanwhile you were with your sister in the kitchen talking about your days. "So what are you three" she asked. "Well honestly they're mine. We're not dating but they are mine." You said. Your sister just let out a small giggle and said "well don't do some stupid shit okay." "To late for that" you said letting out a small smirk. "Are you pregnant?" She whispered. You looked at her and said "no I'm not but I wouldn't mind if it meant they could finish their doing." You said letting out a small laugh. Your sister got up and told you to follow her. You guys ended up in her room and she asked one more time "are you or not." "I'm not" you said. You then left the room and went back downstairs. Your brothers said "these two our now our friends." "Oh really" you said you walked to Bakugou and Kirishima and said "are you guys friends with these two?" Bakugou then said "no the fuck." Kirishima then said "I'm sorry about him what he meant was yes." You just laughed and told your parents you were gonna be leaving.

You went back to the living room and saw your brothers and the other two exchanging numbers. "We're leaving" you said. "What why" Tsuki said complaining. "Because I said so" you said. "Bye Haru" you said "bye Y/N" he said and you two hugged. "And me" Tsuki said. "No" You said. He got up and still hugged you and you hugged back. "Bye Tsuki" You said. "Bye hoe" he said. You then told Kirishima and Bakugou "come on let's go." They got up and said their byes. You called Yuna and told her if she could teleport you back to the dorms. She teleported you guys back to your dorms and now you were standing in front of your door. "Guys I'm gonna take a shower change and be back outside in a few." You said. "Okay" Kiri said. "Tch" Bakugou said.

After you took a shower you grabbed your towel and dried yourself. You put on some dark blue undies and a dark blue bra. You put on a black tank top and black sweats. You went outside where you saw Kirishima and Bakugou waiting for you. They're eyes looked at you up and down and that's when you said "you can have some" winking at them. They came closer to you and Bakugou whispered "if we do we won't stop". Kirishima then whispered "I don't want some I want all of you." You ended up blushing and pushed them away saying "fine some other day then."  It was now the week after you visited your parents and every day Bakugou would make you and Kirishima breakfast. You would now just hang out with them.

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