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I'm sorry guys I haven't posted in a while but I've been busy but besides that how have you guys been? Also my bad for any misspelled words

"Okay time to find out the gender!!" My sister said. I was exited since everyone was gonna find out it was twins and not one baby. Everyone went outside and my sister had two balloons outside, and one confetti canyon, and the outside of the balloon was black. That way no one could see the color inside. "Why is there three? Is it so that you three could do it?" Someone asked. "Yea" my sister said. The confetti popper didn't have a color. It was supposed to say "Twins" once it was used. The balloons tho, they had the genders of my babies. I was gonna use the confetti popper and Bakugou and Kirishima were gonna pop the balloons. "So how are we gonna do this?" Kirishima asked. "You'll pop them with these" my sister said handing them a handgun. My whole family was exited and my class was confused. They've never been to any of my home parties so they don't know how we do things. Our teachers thought it was unsafe but Hawks told them how we do things. At the end they went a long with it. I went and got the bags with the onesies. I was exited to find out the genders and too see everyones face when they found out it was twins. My sister was making sure everyone went outside so that everyone could see. Next thing you know we heard Uraraka saying "why did you do this." Everyone turned around to see her slapping Shinsou in the face. "Oh shit" I said. We all went towards her and Shinsou didn't say anything. Uraraka kept on screaming and crying. "What happened?" Someone asked. "H-he brainwashed me to date him" she responded. Everyone from our class looked at them and we didn't know if it was true or not. But then Shinsou said "it's true." After that he went to Deku. "Y-yes" he said. "She didn't cheat on you on purpose" Shinsou responded. Deku looked at him and then at Uraraka. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I brainwashed her but I felt lonely as fuck" Shinsou said. "Well I have some cousins that are single" I told him. He looked over at me and came towards me. Bakugou and Kirishima then stood in front of me since they didn't know what he was gonna do. "I won't try anything, also the other day I heard you and pink girl say "maybe he has game" which I do but that wasn't the reason" Shinsou said putting his hands up. "It's fine, and you did? Well Mina now we know!" I said. Bakugou and Kirishima then moved a bit and mina laughed. "I have some cousins that are single but they are kinda crazy" I told him. "Really? But I don't think they'll like someone like me" he said. "Girls come here" I said. All my girl cousins came. "Here they are" i said. He looked at each one of them and then at me. "Tell him your name and stuff" I told them. "Hi I'm Lina" my cousins said. "I'm Haruna" my other one said. "Weren't you two the ones fighting" Shinsou said. "Yea but that doesn't matter" I said. "I am Izumi" and then the rest introduced themselves. "You sure they would want me?" He asked. "Yea but you would have to get to know them and same goes for them" I said. Deku was with Uraraka trying to get her to stop crying and Shinsou was thinking about it. "Or you can stay single" I said. He looked at the girls and said "would you greatly want me?" My cousins looked at him and then Izumi said "yea just don't use your quirk and that's it. Plus both of us together would make a great combo." Shinsou looked confused and said "what do you mean? What's your quirk." My cousin wanted to show him so she looked at him and they made eye contact. "Now say your name" she said. "Hitoshi Shinsou" he responded. She then looked away and de-activated her quirk. "I call it puppeteer" she said. "You see me and you would be good together" she added. Shinsou smiled and said "then we can go in a date tomorrow just give em your number." She then gave him her phone number and saved it. He saved his number on her phone. "Okay back to the reveal!" My sister said. We all then went back outside and we looked at the balloons. The balloons had a big red mark on them so that they could shoot it there. Everyone thought it was three so that the 3 of us could get to do something. "Okay Y/N You ready" my sister said. "Yea" i replied. Bakugou and Kirishima both stood in front of one balloon. I was holding the confetti popper and everyone counted from 10 to 0. "TEN" they said. Then "NINE," "EIGHT," "SEVEN." They were all exited to find out the "gender" of the "baby." "THREE," "TWO," "ONE!" "ZERO!!!" After that I used the popper and Bakugou and Kirishima shot the balloons. Mine was first and they noticed it said "TWINS." "You're having twins?!?!!!!!" They said. "Yea" i replied then when Bakugou and Kirishima shot the balloons the genders were a baby boy and a baby girl!:) I had a few tears and so did Bakugou and Kirishima. The three of us kissed and hugged. "Just a few more months and we'll see our babies" I said smiling. "Yea i can't wait" Kirishima said. "Now we now our brats genders" Bakugou said. Katsuki's parents came to us and said "congratulations!" His mom was really happy she was gonna have a granddaughter. His dad was happy for him since he was gonna be a dad. My whole family was happy for us and some of them even said "if you need help finding a house we can help." We smiled and then my sister said "time for presents!" We went back inside to see what we had got. Everyone went and then got the present or presents they brought. My brothers put three chairs in the center and we sat down. (You, Bakugou and Kirishima). My brother Haru went first and he gave us some baby bottles and two bibs. My other brother Tsuki gave us a pair of baby shoes and a pair of onesies. All my family went first and they gave us a lot of stuff too. My parents haven't gone yet and my classmates were ready to give me what they had brought. After my family went we had a lot of clothes, some few breast pumps, bibs, other things that would also be needed and some money since they didn't know we had twins, and so that we could buy anything we liked for the babies.

Bakugou x Y/N x KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now