💥 33 💥

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My bad for any misspelled words but the 🍋 part is here😏 also if it says "duck" instead of "fuck" and "ducked" instead of "fucked" sorry I didn't heck to see for any misspelled words

The waiter came back with our food and they said "and to drink?" Obviously i couldn't drink alcohol so I just said "anything close to wine." "Just no alcohol for her" Kirishima said. "Okay and for you two?" The waiter asked. "I want water" Bakugou said. "Water? You know you can drink" I told him. "Yeah but last time you were wining since you couldn't drink" He said. "We'll get water" Kirishima said. "Okay then I'll be back" the waiter said. Then they left and we were talking for a bit and we were also eating. I liked this, they took the time to prepare this for me. "So what else are we doing?" I asked them. They looked at each other and smirked. I was like 🤨 and they said "you'll see." The waiter came back and gave us our drinks. "Enjoy" they told us. Then the waiter left and we kept on talking. I drank my drink and they drank theirs. When we finished eating we were there for a few more minutes and we talked. "Should we go now?" Kirishima told Bakugou. "Yea we'll go in a bit" Bakugou said. "We're going back to the house?" I asked. "No" they both replied. They got up and I did too. Then we left, we got back in the car and Bakugou started the car and said "we're taking you shopping." "Really" I said. "Yea but you'll see what store" Kirishima told me. We then left and we got to the store. When we got inside I noticed there were some lingerings and suits. "What's this?" I asked. "Well we haven't had fun for 6 months, you think we can wait three more months" Bakugou said. I got visibly embarrassed and Kirishima said "pebble do you want to? If not it's okay we can watch a movie and eat ice cream." "Awww" i thought. Kirishima was always thoughtful but he could also be getting what he wanted. "I miss it" I told them and smiled. "I don't know how we'll do it tho" I added while looking at my belly. They laughed a bit and said "let's find you something." The worker then came up to us and said "something specific you're looking for?" I went up to her and said "yea I'm looking for something that will make them want more." She smiled and said "i know where you can look at." "Stay here I'll go" I said. They did what I said and the worker took me to the maternity area. There were some nice pieces. "Look around here and tell me if you need help!" She said. "Okay" I told her. She then went back to where she was and I kept looking around. There were so many different colors and kinds that were nice. There were also costumes like bunny and maid ones but I already wore the maid one. I wouldn't want to use the same costume so I looked at the other ones. There were some short skirts and some corsets that looked good. I didn't think a corset would look good since I had a big belly so I decided to try on the bunny costume. There were some bunny like lingeries meaning that the top was more see through than the bottom. The bottom was more like shorts but short shorts. "Can i try this on?" I asked the worker. She said "yes of course!" And took me to one of the fitting rooms. I got in and tried on the bunny outfit. It fit perfectly and I didn't look bad or ugly. I liked how it looked and it had some bunny ears so it completed the fit. I took it off and put my normal clothes on and went to the register. "Will this be all for today?" Th lady asked. "Yea" i replied. She then said the total and said "here, this bunny costume comes with these handcuffs" while putting them inside the bag. "Oh well thanks" I said. "Mhm no problem have a good day!" She said, "you too" I replied. I then went to Bakugou and Kirishima and told them "okay I got something we can go." They smiled and we went back to the car, "what now" I told them. "We're going to a hotel" Kirishima responded, "yea" Bakugou said. "Okay then let's go" I told them. Bakugou started the car and we drove to the hotel, it was nice and big. When we got inside it was huge and we went to the reception. "Hello, do you need a room?" The worker asked. "We have a reservation for Katsuki" Bakugou told them. "Okay then your room is ready, it's 308" the worker said and handed him the key. We went to the elevator so I wouldn't use the stairs. When we got to the third floor we went to the end of the hall and went inside our room.

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