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We had our fun and all but then we went home and Manami and Hakane weren't there meaning their date wasn't done. I helped Remi shower and I showered after her. Everyone showered (separately) since we had multiple showers. After that we changed and Akira got his things since he was gonna go with Haru and Tsuki and when he did they left and we said our byes. Lomi and Remi went to their room to play and Bakugou, Kirishima and I did our own thing. We waited until Manami got him which took attests an hour and when she got home she said "I'm home!" And we went and Hakane was with her too. "How did it go?" I asked, "good!" Both of them replied, "that's good" I said. Bakugou and Kirishima watched tv while I was with the girls. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked them, "no" Manami said, "and you?" I asked Hakane, "no but thank you" she replied. "Okay and I left some clothes for you in Manami's room oh and also if you need anything you can ask me!" I told her, "okay thanks!" She replied and Manami said "well ima shower so I'll be back" and she left to her room. "So who are your parents?" I asked her, "well my dad is Shoto Todoroki and my mother is Momo Yaoyorozu" she replied, "oh wow so what's your quirk?" I asked her, "I can create things with fire and ice" she replied, "really? Then show me" I said as I took her to a training room we had, "there isn't any ice or fire here" she said, "well you can only do it with fire and ice?" I asked her, "no I can with water but it's mostly the other two" she replied and I grabbed a lighter and turned it on, "here" I said and she came closer and she was able to create things from it and it didn't burn her. (The things she created were made out of fire but then they become solid so like Momos quirk just that she has to use those elements). "Okay and your combat skills? I'm sure that with your parents you're gonna be a good fighter speciallly since Todoroki is your dad" I told her, "okay come at me" she said and I went straight for her and I wasn't gonna go fully and she tried to hit me on my side and I dodged and she grabbed me by arm while I did and turned me around and put me on the floor. "That was good" I told her, "yeah and sorry if I hit you hard" she said as she helped me get back up. "It's okay and thanks" I replied and then we went back to the kitchen. "I'm done you can go in now" Manami told Hakane, "okay" she said and went to Manami's room to shower. "So what did you guys do while I was gone?" Manami asked me, "well I found out who her parents are and she showed me how she uses her quirk" I replied, "well are her parents invited to the wedding?" Manami asked, "of course I invited them" I replied and she said "okay then" and went to her room since Hakane was done.

"Ima go sleep okay" I told Bakugou and Kirishima, "okay" they both replied and I went to our room and slept.

Friday. The day before the wedding.

When I woke up Bakugou and Kirishima were still sleeping and I got up quietly and slowly to not wake them up. I checked my phone and it was 10:22am so I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I first checked on the kids before going to the kitchen and I checked on Lomi and Remi first and they were dead asleep. Akira was also sleeping and I went to check on Manami and Hakane. I opened the door a bit and they were awake and they were talking.
"Hi Ms Y/N" Hakane said, "just call me Y/N" I told her and Manami said "hi Ama" and I said "are you guys hungry?" And they both replied with "yes" so I said "okay come to the kitchen and I'll make you guys something" and I went to the kitchen and they did too after they brushed their teeth.

"So what do you guys want?" I asked, "anything is fine" Hakane said. "I want pancakes" Manami said, "okay in shapes or normal?" I asked, "shapes!" She replied and Hakane got up and said "I'll help you" and I said "it's okay you don't need to" and she said "but I want to, I insist" and I replied with "okay if you insist" an the Manami got up and started to help out too. We started to make them in different colors since we had food coloring and made them into different things and shapes. When we were starting to make them everyone else woke up and came to the Kitchen and Akira wanted to help so we let him.

When we finished making them we sat down and ate and talked. "These tastes good!" Remi said, "well I had help from Manami, Hakane and Akira" i replied.   And we continued to eat. Hakane spent almost the whole day with us and then she went back home. "She's really nice I like her" I said, "yeah" Kirishima replied. "Oh did you guys know that her parents are Todoroki and Momo?" I told Kirishima and Bakugou. "For real? I didn't know" Kirishima said, "so what" bakugou said, "I'm just saying" I replied and we all went to our rooms. We slept early since we had to wake up early for our wedding

Day of the Wedding.

Bakugou, Kirishima and I woke up since we set an alarm at 7 am since we all had to get ready and we weren't a small family. We got up and brushed our teeth and the kids woke up too and they brushed their teeth too. We then went downstairs since we heard a knock and my parents, brothers, sister, and. Bakugou's parents came. We let them in and my
Mom was exited about this. The misa (mass at church) was at 10 am and pictures were after, then the party. We had a professional makeup artist and hairdresser come over to help us out. While we all were downstairs we didn't eat but we all heard a knock so o checked and it was the people we hired to make us look bomb asf. I let them in and it wasn't just two people there were 10 since we were a lot at my house we needed the most help we could get. The girls and guys were in different groups and the hairdressers were really nice same with the makeup artists.


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