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"Okay I won't" I replied. "Here take this and go out with anyone and as many people as you want okay princess" my dad said and handed me his black card.(yes a black card). I took it and said "you sure?" And he said "yea I don't care about how much you spend okay just be careful and if you need anything call us." "Okay then thanks dad!" I told him, I hugged him and Hawks and I said "well I'm going inside bye" and they said "bye" too and I went inside the house. "Hey Y/N were did you guys go?" Everyone asked, "to a cafe" I replied, "oh and dad gave me his black card and said we can go anywhere!" I added. "Y/N come" my mom said, "okay" I replied and went with her. We were outside and she said "did something happen?" "No why?" I asked, "because your dad usually gives you his black card when something happens" she said. "Yea well we did go to a cafe but it was to see my ex since he threatened my babies and boyfriends. So we went and dad and Hawks were there just in case" I told her. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She asked. "Not physically and I'm okay I let out my anger" I said, "but I'm going to train and use some guns and some targets" I added. "Okay but you're pregnant you can't, let's go out with your boyfriends and your brothers" my mom said, "okay fine" I replied. We both went back inside and she said "get ready we're going out." "Where we going?" My brothers asked. "The arcade bitches" I told them. "Bet" the four of them said. We all got in the car and the driver took us to the biggest arcade and fun center.

My mom called and told the workers that we were renting it out for a few hours before we got in the car.

"Are you Fumiko?" The worker asked, "yea that's me" she said, "okay then this place is all yours for as long as you want!" The worker told her. "Okay thanks" my mom said and we went inside and since I was competitive I obviously wasn't going to loose. "Y/N come over here and play this on with us" my brother Tsuki said, so I went to where he was and it was a shooting game. "I'm winning" I told him. "No you're not I am" he said. "Oh yeah then prove it" I told him. He smirked a bit and we both started shooting at the target and it wasn't a real gun it was a fake gun but it had almost the same amount of force. We kept on shooting and then it said "We have a winner!" I looked at him and said "see I wasn't going to loose" and then I went towards Haru. "Fuck I thought I was going to win" your brother said after you left. "Hey" I told him, "Hi" he replied. We then started to play and we all had fun. I was also playing with Bakugou and Kirishima and the 6 of us had so much fun there. "Mom I'm hungry" I told her since we were all hungry. "Okay then where do you guys want to eat? Or do you guys want to eat here?" she asked. "Here" my brother said, "yea they have a Panda Express here so might as well" I told her. "Okay then it's settled, go eat whatever you guys want since there are a lot of choices" my mom told us. I went to the Panda Express they had there and I ordered my food. Bakugou and Kirishima got some too and Haru and Tsuki got some burgers and fries. My mom got some tacos and we all sat down to eat. "So your almost 9 months" my mom said, "yea and I can't wait to see my babies" I replied. "Watch them be as ugly as you" Tsuki said laughing, Haru did the (i like your cut g) hit on him and said "don't say that" and he looked at Bakugou and Kirishima and said "I can't wait to play with them." "Yea those brats better hurry up in being born" Bakugou said, "that's not how it works" Kirishima told him. "Tch" Bakugou said and we all ate.

After eating you guys paid and went back home.

"Mom I'm tired so I want to go back to our house" I said, "okay then" she replied. "Ugly bitch come here and have this" Tsuki said and gave me a small box. "What's this and you're the ugly one" I said, "no it's Haru and just a gift" he said. "Boy you and Haru are both ugly I'm the stunning one also what's in it?" I asked. "Ay don't talk shit about me" Haru said, "yea yea and open it" Tsuki said, so I opened it and it was a nice bracelet and it had my name in pure gold. "This is so pretty! I love it!!" I told him and hugged him. "No problem" he said and went and started to play. The bracelet was pretty and it fit my wrist not too tight or loose and since it was my name I liked it even more. I didn't care if it was gold or not but since it was that meant that he took the time to find a place that would do this. "Well guys we're leaving" I said and we did your goodbyes and Bakugou, Kirishima and I got in our car and drove home. "Ugh we have school tomorrow" I said, "yea so you better get your sleep" Kirishima said. "Don't want you to be moody all day" Bakugou said. "Okay then but I'm going to call my dad before I sleep Okay" I said, "alright" they said and when we got there they both went to different bathrooms and showered. While they did that I called my dad.

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