chapter 1

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The sound of police sirens were heard from a distance as Nam Yeona sprinted through the streets.
Her eyes darted around the area looking for a quick escape route.
She took a quick turn and hid under some stairs as she watched the few police officers run past where she was hiding.

Her heart was beating out of control as she violently coughed gasped for air.
Her chest raised up and down as she squeezed her eyes shut trying to calm her breathing.
She peeked out the corner of the staircase.

"Are they gone?" She asked herself.

Yeona held her stomach in pain after running from the police for probably 30 minutes straight.


Yeona watched as the police officers split away from her hiding spot. After waiting a few minutes, she got up and walked away from the scene.

Yeona stealthily made her way back to the wall she was vandalizing collecting her spray cans in her bag and briskly fled away. She put her mask on hiding her face from any witnesses wandering around.

Yeona walked to her home as she took out her keys trying to unlock her broken door.

"Would this thing open?" The door knob rattled until it finally unlocked. She walked in throwing her bag to the side as she threw herself on the couch.

She laid there for a few minutes before sitting up to grab some left over pizza. She grabbed the plate and sat down on the couch turning on the TV.

While watching cartoons and eating, she pulled out her phone. She found an article about herself.

Teenager vandalizes nail shop wall.

"Ha that's me." Yeona laughs at herself with a mouthful of pizza.
Soon after she went to her room to finally get some rest.

 Soon after she went to her room to finally get some rest

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Yeona wakes up to the sound of her neighbors lawnmower. She groans as she throws the blankets over her head trying to drown out the sound.
In her failed attempt she sits up.

"SHUT UP!!" She screams. The lawnmower stops momentarily before resuming back to its loud annoying sound.

"Gosh I hate these damn neighbors so fucking annoying..." Yeona mumbled to herself as she kicks off her blankets making her way to the bathroom to freshen up. She checks her phone.

3:37 Pm

She brushes her teeth as she looks through the list of her clients.
Jiyoung... Hansol... Lucas...and Jim.

It was a list of people that still owed her money.
Yeona, is a teenage girl who's job is... well sell drugs and stuff. Although she herself didn't do them, besides cigarettes, she made a good money from it.

She finished up in the bathroom as she put on some clothes and left to go do some business outside her house. She grabbed her bag on the way out.

She walked through the sidewalk minding her business. She had texted her clients beforehand to meet her at certain times. The first person was Jiyoung.

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